chapter 18

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Relief. That was the first thing I felt as the rain came down. I watched as the men quickly approached us, they stopped a few feet away when they noticed the condition Damien was in and looked back at the older man who was carrying the lantern.

"Please help him..." Tears blurred my vision, and two of the younger boys took Damien from me, lifting him up with ease.

"Let's go back to the main house..." The third younger man helped me to my feet. He had a head of what I assumed was dark brown hair and doesn't look half bad compared to most men from my village, he looked me over and spoke up. "You look like shit...why the hell were you two out here in the storm?"

Any other time I would have glared at him or told him off for the comment but I was too tired, both emotionally and physically.

The older man spoke up grabbing the boy's attention. "Henry, you can ask stupid questions later, we need to get them back to the house."

Henry rolled his eyes, and we walked forward following the older man. I watched as the two boys carrying Damien were careful of his wounds and hurrying back to their home.

One wrong step had me crying out in pain, as my injury flared up. Both the men stopped and looked back at me confused. When Henry noticed my leg his eyes widened. "Oh shit your hurt too!" He quickly helped me up and slung my arm over his shoulders, to support me.

Soon enough I could see lights, as we arrived at a small village. Cabin houses were spread around the area, and I couldn't see very much through the dark and rain. We passed by a few of the cabins and I could faintly see people watching us through the windows, as we got closer to the center I saw the giant house they were taking us to, it was some kind of lodge.

"Keith go get blankets and towels for our guests, Henry you take care of her, get some clean clothes from amber."

"Right." Henry helped me over to the lounge area in the house and I watched from over my shoulder as they started to drag Damien away, panic started creeping up my spine. I grabbed henrys shirt, stopping him. "Wait! Where are they taking him?!"

He gave me a sympathetic smile and set me down on the couch. "It's ok they are taking him to a guest room it will be easier to get him fixed up there. Don't worry, we got the best doctor around, he'll be fine..."

The man who I assumed was Keith came by and threw Henry a few towels before going back to the others.

"Here dry off with this, im gonna go grab you some dry clothes." I took the towel from Henry and he gave me a warm smile before running off. Using the towel I dried off my body the best I could, the last of my energy draining from my body as I settled down, my arms and legs felt heavy and I was cold.

I jumped when Henry came back into the room so suddenly, followed by an older woman. "Oh dear, you poor thing... I almost didn't believe it when my husband said he found an injured couple lost in the storm outside!"

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