chapter 34

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I hesitated while standing outside the office door of 'alpha' Thomas... I still wasn't used to these titles used by the werewolves but I needed to learn as much as I could...the last thing I wanted was to upset anyone here, after everything they've done for us... That's why I needed to speak with their alpha and luna.

Gulping I knocked on the door and seconds later I could hear Thomas respond telling me to 'come in'.

I opened the door to see the older man sitting at his desk looking at some papers. He seemed surprised to see me, and quickly set his work aside.

"Miss Seraphina, this is an unexpected visit what can I do for you?" He motioned towards one of the seats in front of his desk, which I quickly sat down in before fidgeting nervously.

"I came to talk...or actually apologize..."

His look of surprise came over his face once again as he leaned back in his chair. "Whatever for?"

Staring at the ground I avoided his gaze. "For causing so much trouble in your village I mean and Damien both have been nothing but trouble since we came and after everything you have done to help us..."

"Miss Seraphina..." He cut me off quietly with a genuine smile. "You and...Damien have cause us no trouble...if anything we should apologize after what we did...werewolf politics and lifestyles are much different from that of humans... it's not abnormal to have a few fights break out now and then in the pack and no one has gotten hurt...we brought you into our pack to help was our choice therefore it's our responsibility to make sure you both were well taken care of... Of course, it was an unexpected turn of events. Considering your heritage but that doesn't change the fact you are our guests... And lycan or not Damien is a wolf, you are his mate which means now you are one of us..."

I relaxed a bit at Thomas's words but still felt guilty for the trouble we caused...i sulked feeling bad for everything, Damien almost hurt people because of me, I lied to them even though they saved us...

Silence filled the room and he watched me for a moment. "But if you truly feel like you need to repay us your free to help out around the pack...there's plenty of people who wouldn't mind a little help and there's plenty of jobs you are capable of helping with..."

I sat up straighter looking at him determined to return their kindness and earn my keep."yes ill do whatever it takes!"

He only smiled before shaking his head. "Alright... I'll let Henry know and he can take you to find a suitable job since you insist..."

A smile spread across my face as I stood up and bowed. "Thank you! I'll make sure to pay you back for your hospitality!"

We were both interrupted as Kathryn came into the office. "Oh my, am I interrupting?"

"Not at all dear, come In... Seraphina was just asking about getting a job to help out around the pack..."

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