chapter 29

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A subtle knock on the door startled me awake as I opened my eyes to see I had fallen asleep on the ground. Sitting up I held my head as it pounded. These damn headaches were getting stronger and much more frequent...maybe It's from all the shock and stress...

"Sera are you okay?" Amber's sweet voice called out from the other side of the door. Sighing I got up and opened it to see her standing there worried. "I brought some tea..."

Giving her a small smile I opened the door wider and let her in. She seemed nervous as I could feel my own skin crawling as I looked at her...she's a werewolf... I never would have thought a sweet cheerful girl like her would be capable of turning into a giant wolf capable of some serious damage.

She put her hands behind her back and kept her head down." i just wanted to check on you... I heard what happened yesterday...i thought maybe you'd like to talk to someone! But uh if your uncomfortable talking to someone me, I completely understand!"

I gave her a small smile before sitting in my bed. "It's fine..."

She watched me for a meant before sighing and grabbing the chair from the desk. She sat across from me and grabbed one of the cups of tea before handing it to me. "This should help you relax..."

Hesitantly I took it and started to drink. "I know this all must feel strange to you but I really do hope we can still be friends...all of us...even Henry... He's just being a sourpuss right now."

Looking up at her questioningly my lip lifted slightly at the interesting choice of words. "Is he still mad at me?"

She took a sip of her own tea before looking off to the side. "Not directly...we have a lot of bad history with hunters...especially him..." She glanced up at me before sighing. "He was really hurt when he found out your from a hunter clan...his parents and little sister were killed by hunters..."

"So he thought I betrayed him..." I responded quietly. She sat there silent seeming a bit solemn by the topic. "You guys don't...attack people or villages do you?"

She looked up at me surprised before responding. "No! We would never! That's against the werewolf laws! We rarely even go near remote villages or towns! Much less attack them...we trade and live among humans as peacefully as we possibly can, we would never do something so violent or would endanger our entire race!"

Sighing my shoulders relaxed a bit. "Sera we arent what you think...we aren't monsters...everyone has different views about werewolves, especially hunters...but we aren't out to hurt people...we just want to live in peace like everyone else..." After a moment she stood up taking my half-empty cup of tea and setting both off to the side. Grabbing my hands she pulled me up to my feet and pulled me over to the dresser.

"Come on, get dressed..." She pulled out some jeans and a sweater before handing them to me and I looked at her confused.

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