chapter 44

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The woman before me caused a chill to run through my bones her blood-red eyes were unnatural and creepy her body was slim and curvy, but with the dark aura radiating off of her I knew her beauty was simply hiding what was underneath. Izetta...

She's the one responsible for the collars because of her Damien has to suffer!

I glared at the woman and she smiled smugly at me. "Your the one who's controlling the wolves!" I held up the broken blade in my hand, it wasn't much but I had no other weapons...this was bad Irene hasn't even shown me how to fight her yet..."

"You really think you're going to kill with that?..." She snapped her fingers and the blade seemed to dissolve into little more than dust in my hand.

"For someone that's causing such a ruckus you really are stupid..."

I grit my teeth feeling completely helpless, I can't fight her, not like this...not now...i shouldn't have wandered off...

"Are you here to kill me then? "

She paused as if contemplating the idea and toying with it in her head this was merely a game for her.

"Not really, your lack of experience makes you little more than a child...i have no reason to be afraid of that lycan on the other hand...he's one I can't have running around...."

"I won't let you hurt Damien! Or take him back to that clan! He's done nothing to deserve being locked up!"

"You think your some kind of saint don't you..." She moved away from the doorway and walked towards me, making me take a few steps back to keep her at a distance, but after only a few steps my back was met with the wall of the old cabin.

"You believe you're going to save these creatures and be some kind of savior, do you not realize, you were born to werewolf hunters? It's in your blood foolish were meant to kill hunt them or else you would be think they'll accept you? You idiot even that lycan you love so much will grow to either fear or hate you!... "

"Your wrong! They are my friends! Damien is mate!"

I flinched as she laughed maniacally.

"Your such a fool... Don't you get you know why you came here? Why you were drawn to this place...why that symbol was so interesting to you? Those are silver weapons made by other hunting clans, they are scattered all over the place if you know where to look, your hunter's blood will always reign over those silly feelings for those mutts...and they know it! You've always felt alone, out of place like you don't belong... Haven't you?...have you ever thought about why that is?..."

My gaze fell to the wooden board with the symbol carved into the wood, did my hunter's heritage really make me seek out that weapon?... Her words started swirling in my mind as I felt a heavy presence on my shoulders. Izetta was standing before me looking down at me with a feigned frown on her lips.

"You poor thing you've never felt at home no matter where you go... That's because deep down you know where you truly belong... And it's not here among these dogs, you need to be with your own kind...only then will you feel at peace, only then will you feel that sense of belonging."

I grabbed my head as her words echoed in my head. No no no...that's not true it can't be... The hunters slaughter innocent people human and werewolf alike! How could I possibly belong with them?... I looked up as the voices continued to ring in my ears. Looking past izetta I could see an old mirror on the wall and what I saw within it sent a shiver down. My spine. I could see the back of izettas head and my own reflection but behind me was a shadowy figure with glowing red eyes.

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