chapter 25

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~~~The night of the attack~~~

Darkness, I had grown so used to it over the years, rarely did I get to see sunlight, much less feel it on my skin....ha...

You'd think something so simple would feel mundane...but now I've forgotten what it feels like... Now all I know is pain and hatred... Hatred for all those around me...those who look down on me and hide behind their silver whips and bars.

One day they will suffer through the same agonizing pain I've had to suffer through for years! One day I will rip out their throats and bathe in their blood, one day I will be free again...

How long has it been since I ran free through the forests, able to go anywhere at any time? How long has it been since I slept in the grassy fields instead of the cold metal of my cage? How long has it been since I've howled to the moon in the one and only true companion... For so long I have sat in this cage, slowly losing my mind to my own feral instincts...i wonder if I'll completely lose myself before I'm released...

The sound of men talking got closer and ears twitched. I shifted uncomfortably in my chains and growled at the burning sensation they caused. As the voices drew closer I recognized them as my tormentors. I did not understand what they were speaking about and I did not care... As long as they would leave me alone to sleep...

I listened closely as they started to approach my cage, in turn, I sat up growling my warning through the cloth that hid me away from their eyes.

They continued to speak to one another as the cloth blocking out the light was pulled away. A deadly snarl ripped from my throat as I made my promise to the man before me. A promise of a gruesome death...


The scent of blood, smoke, and fear surrounded the area. The warm metallic iron taste filled my mouth as my fangs continued to rip and shred the flesh of the mangled corpse in my claws.

The thing was long past dead, but the never-ending voices...the whispers in my mind repeating the same words over, told me to keep keep killing...

I ripped a limb clean from the motionless body and looked at it. My eyesight was unfocused and all I could see was red...

The sounds of screaming made my ears twitch. Normally I would be on high alert and keeping a lookout making sure the surrounding area was safe...but the sight or red was so...strong...and hypnotic....the taste of so much blood made my stomach churn but my mind didn't wanted much more...i can't stop...

Among the smell of blood, and smoke however was something strange... It was sweet...i paused for a moment lifting my head to sniff around more...there it was again...the soft sweet scent of roses...

Little by little the red haze clouding my mind drifted away. What was that scent? Where was it coming from?...

Standing I dropped the body I had been tearing through, looking around the human village I was in. Once I found what direction it was coming from, I started walking towards it. My mind became clearer as I got closer and the scent became stronger.

Soon enough I came to a small clearing. I was so close now... I stopped in my tracks as a girl ran out into the opening, a panting mess. Her long black hair falling around her face. I could see another wolf in the alley behind her as it paced looking for an opening to finish off its prey.

I growled as it ran off to find another way.

A small gasp escaped the female as she looked up at me. I dropped the detached limb I had been dragging with me as the last of the haze left my mind completely.

She was beautiful... The female stared back at me as I stepped closer to her, even going as far as crouching down as to not scare her. A deep growl came from my chest as she limited my approach by stepping back. I did not like this...

I stepped closer standing slightly to look down at the I looked closer I noticed her was as if two silver moons were looking right back at me... I was frozen in place and could feel my heart skip a beat just from looking at her eyes... The rumble in my chest was silenced as me and my wolf both came up with the only explanation to this strange feeling...

A snarl ripped through the air as the wolf who had been chasing her before jumped out tackling her to the ground. The female screamed as it bit into her shoulder. Every fiber of my being stood on end and the scent of her blood put me into a blind rage as I roared at the wolf before tackling it off of her.

My fangs dug into its neck how dare he hurt what is mine! Using my grip on the wolf flung the creature into an old building, causing it to collapse.

A small whimper grabbed my attention as I watched the female struggle to sit up. With two quick strides, I was quick atop of her small form. My growling quickly died down as I inspected her injuries. She whimpered again as I leaned down, nuzzling her with my nose in an attempt to comfort her.

The sound of a man's voice made me look up to see a human running towards me with an ax. I snarled standing over the female protective as he ran towards me shouting something incoherently.

The girl cried out and I flinched as she grabbed onto my leg. "Don't hurt him!" Her words came out as desperate cries as I looked at her face. She was crying...

My body suddenly felt constricted as an all too familiar sound pierced my ears. The red fog in my mind a started coming back as well as the voices. I roared clawing at my head trying to make them stop. To make it go away!

"Seraphina!" The man called out and I cracked one eye open to see him stop and the girl get up.

The scent of roses was strong and warded off the mind-breaking fog, it kept me from doing what the voices were telling me to...

But among all the voices one stood out the most to me. And the words it spoke had me breaking free from the trance.

"Kill her..."

No...she is mine! I snarled at the voices in my head denying them. Leaping forward I scooped the small female into my arms. She screamed as I took off running. Away from those I knew wanted to hurt her, I would not let them take the only thing I had left...


My body was sore and I felt groggy... The sound of birds chirping filled the air. I growled annoyed by their chatter and everything in a mile distance that could hear me quickly shut up.

The sound of movement near me made me stir as I sniffed the air, the scent of roses caught my attention as I started to remember what happens the night before... The female...a shriek had my eyes shooting open as I stood up on high alert looking around for danger. Nothing out of the ordinary stood out to me...but my female was also missing.

I snarled and quickly sniffed around., catching her scent near the edge of a ditch. I jumped down, seeing some of the saplings had been snapped and her scent was all over. Looking around I noticed an opening to a small den, her scent was coming from the entrance and I knew she was inside.

I could faintly smell the female's blood, she was injured still...she must have come down here to hide... I huffed before looking around at the forest. It had been so long since I have been outside like this...

There doesn't seem to be anything dangerous in the area, she would be safe in the small hole for now...but I needed to find somewhere better to hide her in...i will have to come back to her once I find a proper cave...

Huffing I take off running, in search for a new den.

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