chapter 42

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(Sexual content warning!: 🔥 🔥)

(Ps: for anyone who doesn't know the flames. Represent how extreme the sexy content will be! 3 🔥 is the max! Enjoy!)


I pulled my mate against me holding her close after seeing her cry. She held onto me as we stood there in silence letting the noise from the shower fill the room. We didn't need words to know how we felt, and I've never been more content with my life until now...

Sera has been so strong and kind, even while wounded she fought to keep us both alive... She may not have fangs or claws but she's anything but weak. That's why I would be proud to have her as my mate...

Nuzzling the side of her head she finally calmed down enough to pull back and look up at me with those silver eyes...

I never thought I'd be so mesmerized by the sight of silver until I met her, she was so beautiful the first time I saw her and now I could imagine anyone more fitted to be my mate and I wouldn't change this for the world...smiling I caressed her cheek before planting a kiss on her forehead. She has stuck with me through thick and thin despite everything.

"Damien..." I spoke up before she could say anymore, I didn't need to hear it to know that she's was going to keep talking like she wasn't worth it.

"You're not weak... Sera. I was lost until I found you, even now...I've felt like my mind was rotting away into nothing. I worried I would become feral but you... You brought my senses back and I've been getting better... If it wasn't for you id probably be a rogue feral right saved me... More than once so don't ever consider yourself as less than what you are... "

She looked at me surprised and I wanted nothing more than for her to understand what she's done for me. hunter's blood or not she was what I wanted and what I needed.

"Thank you..."

I watched as a small smile graced her lips and she wiped her tears away. Pulling her into a hug we stood in the bathroom for a moment holding each other. I never thought id have a chance to be with my mate like this... To feel this kind of peace.

"Damien..." I pulled back slightly to look at sera as her eyes focused on my neck.

"I promise...i won't let them put you through any of that pain again...i will find a way to remove that cursed pendant so you can be free..."

Inhaling sharply I felt a warmth in my chest that I knew only she could bring out in me, it's hard for me to describe the feeling but I knew I trusted her words.

Kneeling down I took her hands in mine and bowed my head. "I promise to protect you with my harm shall come to you ever again. Even by my hand if I should lose control...ill tear out my own heart."

"Don't talk like that!"

Looking up confused I could see her cheeks were tinted red and she seemed embarrassed?

"You don't need to rip out your heart or do anything extreme okay?!" Staying silent I sat there watching her reaction.

She sighed before patting my head, in turn, I closed my eyes enjoying her touch. "You're very dramatic for a wild wolfman... I want to be able to help to protect you as well...i can't hurt or track but I will keep you safe so you never have to feel like your losing yourself again okay? And if I get a few scratches and bite marks in the process then oh well...its worth it to be with you..." I looked up again as she said those last few words, and she turned her head away blushing.

She truly wants to be with me...

Standing up I once again quickly claimed her lips, taking her by surprise as she stepped back into the wall. I refused to break the kiss wanting nothing more than to show her my loyalty and love.

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