chapter 38

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"This is your fault!"

I flinched as Gamma thane slammed his fist on the table his angry glare directed at me. Both beta noah and Alex growled at thane for lashing out so loudly in front of the alpha. But he simply ignored them.

"If she wasn't here we wouldn't be dealing with this situation! Because of you those wolves now know where we are! Do you have any idea how long we've kept our pack hidden from our enemies!?" I flinched at his words keeping my head down ashamed. I never meant to cause this kind of trouble.

"Gamma thane stand down! I was the one who suggested miss Seraphina and her mate to stay here until spring! It's not her fault that this situation has befallen her..." Thomas spoke up.

Amber snaked her hand over to hold mine and gave me a warm smile as I looked up. I tried to return it with a small smile but there was nothing to be happy about.

"Miss sera please explain in detail what you know about these wolves..."

I sighed looking up at everyone. They needed answers..."i don't know much...when my village was attacked there werewolves...who all wore collars...i was attacked by one when Damien saved me... He took me and ran off into the woods...we were out there a few days when three of them came after us...they attacked me and Damien...i thought they were on the same side was strange...they almost seemed they didn't feel pain...Damien tore of the wolves eyes out and they just kept attacking...we had to run."

"Damien said someone had been controlling him...he had been imprisoned by...hunters..."

Realization dawned on me...the hunters...sir renards hunters...

Why didn't I connect the dots sooner? It wasn't pure coincidence he showed up and those wolves attacked on the same day...i was so caught up with my own dilemmas that I never took a second to think about it!

"Hunters?!" Thane snarled and beta Alex growled.

"Alpha said to cool it! We've dealt with hunters before! This isn't anything new!"

"You fools think this is going to be the same as all the other times?! They are able to control other werewolves, lycans even with those damn collars we aren't just fighting off a measly group of hunters this is an entire organization!" Thane shouted.

"I think you should go take a chill pill..." Irene spoke up giving thane a cold hard stare. He glared back at her with nothing but malice in his eyes.

"Don't give me that look witch... One of your own is responsible for those hunters gaining so much power, how else would they have the ability to control other werewolves..."

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