54. Raise Your Hands

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We're in a sticky situation
It's down to me and you

The only good thing about being kidnapped by the government is that I got immediate medical attention. Besides a couple of bruises, I gained a grade 2 shoulder sprain, meaning my arm rested on a sling. And they also gave me a cold gel bag.

I was handcuffed on my left free hand and my ankles, but they chained me on the cell available in the control room. The bars were thin enough for me to observe the panels an officer manipulated. I read the code, however, it seemed to be overworking the computer. You could easily erase ten steps and even cut the time it took to load.

"What are you supposed to be doing?" I groaned.

"None of your business, kid." His head barely turned around. He adjusted his glasses and looked back. Then he sighed. "Doing my job: tracking down the Flag Smashers."

I squinted at the screen and the programming code on the left. "That system looks wayyypaused outdated."

He laughed mockingly. "Like you could do better."

"Do you know the Spiderbite extension for Java?" I tried to cross my arms, but I realized too late that my shoulder was busted and that the movement would hurt horribly. I whimpered.

The officer rolled his eyes. "Of course. What about it?"

I readjusted the cuffs as I huffed, "I created it."

He gasped. "No way! Could I get an autograph?"

"Fuck no!" I spat. I dropped my head in defeat.... I'm never getting out of here on my terms.

John Walker came in strutting in the room, hands on his hips and a scowl on his face. "Could you two stop gossiping? We've found the current location of Falcon and Bucky."

"On it, sir." The guy jumped from his seat. "Should we, um, load the girl on the van?"

Faketain America waved me off. "Nah. I don't think she's needed."

I scoffed. Yeah, I actually scoffed. "You're wasting gasoline and time, dude. They're not gonna team up with you."

His head twisted in my direction. "And what makes you so sure?"

"I worked with them..." I paused to think ."...for, like, five minutes, but still— they're doing this their way. You should just give up and do whatever the government does. Steal people's money? Build unnecessary bridges? I dunno, just go do that."

He grimaced. "Actually, change of plans; I'm taking her. Put her on the car in three."

Davis and another agent scolded me to a car, wrapping me with the good ol' muzzle and rattling my chains on purpose so that my wrists would burn. I think they injected me with something too because I felt dizzier and more tired than before.

We rode a cop car, the ride was more silent than I preferred. When we opened, sure enough, Sam and Bucky came out of a building.

Walker the siren to grab their attention. "Gentlemen. Good to see you again." He smiled. Why is so smiley? "Look, if we divide ourselves, we don't stand a chance, you guys know that."

Bucky placed one of his hands on top of the roof of the car while Sam rolled his eyes. "So what do you got?"

"A peace offering." Lemar opened the car to reveal... well, me. Ta-da, I guess.

Sam's poker face faltered for a second but created the barriers again. "Go on."

He smiled, thinking he's got the upper hand, but he should know better. "Well, the leader's name is Karli Morgenthau. We've been targeting civilians who've been helping Karli move from place to place."

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