Chapter Six: Nightmares and Regret

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Kiria awoke once again to her own screams in her small apartment. She wiped her forehead with her blanket, and got out of bed.

"I hope Asuiri's doing okay..." Kiria said out loud to herself with a sigh. She hadn't heard from him since they both got out of the hospital a few days ago.

"I'll call him later on and check on him. Yeah, that seems like a good idea."

"Mistress...," she heard. "Do we need to have a chat about the events that occured?"

"No, we don't," Kiria sighed as she began breakfast. She wasn't the best cook, but Dad and Axel always liked her cooking...

Axel. Dad and Axel. She hadn't thought about those two in for what seemed like forever. True, she sometimes had a memory or saw or heard something that reminded her of them. But she hadn't truly thought of and remembered her family in so long.

Guilt sat in the pit of her stomach. Oh God, that's why she never thought of them. Figures she'd forget something like that.

Knocking on the door startled her. She sat up and saw three strips of very burnt bacon. How long had she been standing there? Oh, right, the door.

She turned off the stove and walked towards the door. Before she could open it, a thunk was heard. She now had a pretty good idea who it was, and opened the door, wincing as Asuiri fell onto her carpet. He was knocked out cold. It was a miracle that he even made it here.

"Y-you fell right next to the couch, you know," she said groggily.

"Yup, definitely knew that." Kiria helped Asuiri to the couch.

"What's that smell?" Asuiri questioned, sniffing the air.

"Just my cooking," Kiria paused. "Oh no, the bacon!" She raced as fast as a sleepy Kiria could to save the already blacked bits of meat.

"Aw, darn it," she huffed in defeat, looking at the burnt crisps of bacon. She threw them away and sat next t Asuiri on the couch.

"So," Kiria started, looking at Asuiri. "What brings you here?"

"My dad's van. He's picking up my brother from practice."

"I meant why did you come over."

"Oh. Well, I fear for my life whenever I'm within ten feet of Shi, and my house was crowded."

"Speaking of Shi..." Kiria remembered what Raviel had said earlier. "Raviel wants to talk about..."

"You mean your protective spirit thing-y?" he pointed out, Kiria nodding solemnly in agreement.

"That's certainly one way to put it... Do you think his family might have been daring enough to leave the care package like that?"

"He wants to know if your family might have been daring enough to leave the care package," Kiria questioned, retrieving said care package. The thing, a fairly large basket, had held an array of items: flowers, blankets, stuffed versions of their favorite animals, even bento boxes...

"My family said they'd never made a care package, but they did bring that one game for us to play."

"Then who left this?" Kiria bounced the basket on her knee. "And who would be stupid enough to jump out the hospital window after doing so?"

"The bigger question," Asuiri told her, catching her attention. "Is why no hospital staff found somebody with broken legs beneath our window in the parking lot. We were on, like, the fourth floor. Second floor, maybe, but fourth?"

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