Chapter Twelve: A New Story

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She pounded the ground, and she pounded hard. Hard enough to break open the earth beneath her. She was running, this time against some stupid thieves.

"You're so slow, you fat bi- what the-!" the first one screeched. There seemed to be about four of them, all chasing her in hot pursuit. She stopped to catch her breath, watching as two of them fell into the small cavern she made. She cheered a little and sucked in a breath, then taking off again. She was aiming to get to the cliff, as she usually did.

That's when she realized how close one of them was. She had stopped too long, and now the smaller and swifter of the remaining two was chasing her. The thief jumped on her, attempting to pin her down.

"Not on your- life!" she screeched, grabbing him and flinging him back. He collided with his cohort, the mere force of how she had thrown him sending them both flying back. Granted, not nearly as fast, but still a good ways away.

The cliff was so close she could brush her fingers and set crumbling the rock at its edges. She could hear them behind her; closing in, like hungry wolves. She was no piece of prey. In fact, in this game, she was winning with a strong lead.

Only a little further.

Putting on the brakes, her heels scratched up sand and gritty dirt in furrows as she turned around the face him. They kept running, for what reason she didn't know, but she was more than ready. The cliff was directly behind her now, a simple inch from her heels. A simple bound to plummet into free-fall.

She was ready.

One moment, the girl was before them, grinning triumphantly. The next, both men skittered to the edge of it, rocks dribbling out and plummeting towards the ground below. She was gone... like thin air.

The sharp, fierce pain of an elbow slamming into the base of their skulls alerted them to her whereabouts. They teetered forward, held still in a small second that stretched for eons, before falling straight towards their inevitable death.

"Goody!" the girl sang, placing her hands together in the beginnings of a swan dive. "I actually managed to get some loot this time! Excellent!"

With nothing further, she dove forward like into a pool. Of the three, only one did not end up with a broken neck that day.


"Say hi Hamon, and don't be a dick about it," Axel finished.


 "Hamon... Axel... they can't see him, you know that, right?" Raviel added after an awkward silence in which both Shizira and Asuiri looked at each other in mild confusion. "Nor can they hear him... Not unless Hamon actual takes bodily control."

"Then I suppose he's just gonna have to take bodily control," Axel retorted.

"Shi, who are they talking to?" Asuiri whispered not-so-quietly.

"Rock Spirits," came her bland reply as she crossed her legs. "I may be well-read in languages, but it takes a lot of focus and some potion to actually commune with them. Also seances. But these guys aren't dead... I think. Not sure. I'm pretty sure they're more Illusory-spirit than Dead-spirit."

"Can you be dead if you were never alive?" Raviel wondered.

"Raviel, you're confusing me," Kiria told him.

"I'm the confused one, Ki-Ki," Asuiri said nonchalantly, rolling around like a ball on the couch and ocassionally bumping into a slightly annoyed Shi. "But I don't care if I can't see him or her or it or something. Hi Mr. Spirit Hamon guy!"

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