Chapter Forty-Eight: To Meet a Dragon

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"Just where exactly are we going again, Shizira?" Kiria asked as the rickety shuttle climbed slowly up the mountain, swinging by its pulleys and electrical wires. Kiria swallowed, because it just felt... scary, really. Like they'd fall any minute.

"We're going on another magic trip!" she explained, giving a thin smile. As usual, magic seemed to be the one thing that could hardly disappoint the ravenette. "Do you remember Natsu and Katsu from Chapel Yauren?"

It was hard to forget the two, one with fire and the other - presumably - with water. So alike, but so different.


"Their mother and father work at the sanctuary we're going to. We've still got an hour or so before we get there."

"But the mountain doesn't look that high!" Kiria cried, pressing her face to the window and staring at the apex of the swinging cart. It was very much like a Ski-lift, but it wasn't a seat - it was a small car, with wrap-around seating.

"I know," Shizira replied. "When we get to the top, we have to board another shuttle that crosses the divide in the mountains and goes over the water to the island where the sanctuary's at."

"And what exactly is this sanctuary for?" Axel started, quirking an eyebrow and crossing her arms. Shizira seemed to snicker to herself, almost mischievous.

"Let's just say you'll all be quite surprised." Shizira pulled open the cover of the book in her lap, lowered her bag to the floor, and scooted up next to Kiria. "Want to go over some of the supernatural creatures?"

"S-Sure, I suppose," Kiria answered, taking the book. She checked the index - demons, fae, spirits, yokai, dragons - there was such a variety her eyes swam.

"Malice excited!" said Malice, trying to hold back the urge to bounce up and down. Bouncing up and down made the lift-rise-thingy shake and Axel said that was bad. She didn't want to be bad, so she'd stopped right exactly after.

"We know you are, Malice, but be patient," Axel returned, crossing her legs. "And why didn't Asuiri come this time?"

"I think he said he was busy," Shizira quipped, sitting back and thinking about it. "I think, maybe, his dad had some family thing planned for them to do."

"Makes sense," Axel nodded, and then the shuttle - which had been moving at a reasonable clip - slowed and then shuddered to a stop. Shizira picked her bag up, pulled the scarf up around her neck, and disembarked the vehicle followed by the other three girls. They exchanged words with the shuttle operator, who said the next one heading for the sanctuary was heading out in fifteen minutes, and why don't they go warm up with some lunch? So they did.

Kiria studied the steaming plate of flavored rice, taking in the scent. She scooped out a mouthful, and hesitantly ate it, trying to savor the flavor. She asked for a to-go box after a few bites, because her bird-like appetite was still present and yet she liked this dish. It was supplied with a plastic fork, and all folded up and the warm cardboard was pressed to her hands. They stepped back into the frigid windy air, Kiria grateful for her usual sweater and jeans and the fact that she'd brought a rather baggy button-up cotton coat. Raviel had cut holes into this, too, though, so it was quite a bother with the wind flapping through the cuts.

They sat in relative quiet for the hour ride across the mountains. Kiria was mainly preoccupied with the scenery; the shuttle swung gentle along its line, creeping at a decent pace, and snow even began to swirl in tiny microscopic flakes from the taller mountain ridges. Shortly after, they entered out above open water, a large arch of rock stretching over the gap towards a rather impressive island. It was nearly all mountain, jagged cliffs being soaked by the lapping waves. They slowly rocked along, the metal poles suspended from the rock arch and supporting the journey of the trolley. They passed over the blue grass cliffs, into the mountains - which were cold, but not frigid enough to require heavy winter clothes - and slid along through passages of gray rock. The trip once more came to a stop as the shuttle thumped to the ground on a large, rotund, circular plaza. Mountains soared up all around them, with herds of sheep bleating on the slopes and little huts glowing with warm lights. They stepped out and the trolley began its journey back, creaking along the wires.

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