Chapter Thirty: Why Kiria is Always Tired

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        Raviel sat up in Kiria's bed. He really needed to stop doing this, he could tell it was affecting his mistress's health...

                He climbed down the ladder, taking care not to make too much noise or movement. The last thing he wanted was to wake up Axel. He carefully picked up one of Kiria's jackets and slipped it on, quietly leaving the room, and the apartment. He stepped onto the elevator, and soon after out of the building. He started walking.

                It wasn't right to be doing this every single night, he knew. Or at all, for that matter. But right now, he didn't care. He couldn't care. If he did, he wouldn't do it.

                It was probably one in the morning, he thought. If my concept of time is correct, yes, it's about one in the morning. With a stretch and a yawn, he stopped. Where was he now? He couldn't tell.

                He pulled his hood up and covered his face, or rather Kiria's face, completely. If anyone saw her face, she would be in a lot of trouble. A lot.

                He started running. He had done his research, he knew exactly who he was going for. That, he felt, was something that separated him and the monster he knew as Izira: he had actually done his research. The person he was going after didn't have much to live for, nor would many people care about their sudden disappearance, with the exception of some friends. Sure, he felt a bit guilty about his actions, but what could he do about it? This was the best thing he could do: as long as Kiria didn't know about his urges still existing and he did it in secret, then it was alright. Besides, he did his research. Didn't that also make it alright?

                No, he knew. Of course it didn't. It in no way made it alright. How could he even consider it alright? What was wrong with him?

                He reached the target's house, or rather, apartment. If he was correct, this was the same building Shizira resided in, wasn't it?

                Speaking of Shizira, he thought as he continued. Why hadn't he killed her that day, when she attacked his mistress and her friend? Was she too strong? No, he had definitely held back. If he hadn't, then Shizira would have been ripped to shreds more than likely. Well...

        He stopped in front of the door. Was he underestimating Izira? And if not, why hadn't he killed her that day?

        He tried the door and, surprise, it was unlocked. He went in and saw his target laying on the couch, a blank television screen staring him back. He peered over the couch to be sure his target was asleep. Yes, she was completely K-O'ed.

        A malicious grin spread across his face. Oh, how this would be fun~! Should he go old-school like Izira, or...?

        He finally decided it would be safest to go his own way. That way, there would be no blood to be found and it wouldn't technically count as "death". His grin became wider, this was his favorite kind of torture.

        He placed a cold hand on her agape mouth, quietly chanting and casting his own kind of magic.

        Izira would describe this as Kurai Mahou.

        Her mouth and body quickly filled with shadows. She wasn't dead yet, but she was too far gone already for even the best of mages to bring back, with perhaps the exception of Izira. But she wouldn't interfere, not right now, anyway.

        His shadow creatures possessed the poor woman, she was long gone now. Her mind, at least. Her soul was still there. Quite a shame, Raviel thought. Looks like I'm going to have to do that bit... manually.

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