Chapter Forty-One: The Temple

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As the limousine-like car bumped up the cobble-dirt paved road into the foothills of the southern mountains, Kiria stared out the cracked window at the beautiful birch forest passing by. Tall, flower-dotted grasses and thick, gnarled hedges dotted their underneath-sides, the trees eerie and white and almost ghostly in so many rows. If Kiria stared hard enough, she could see flashes of something passing between the trees. What creature or entity or thing it was, she didn't know, because the moment was so quick she doubted it happened in the first place.

The higher they ascended, the crisper the air got. It was still sun-warmed, but there was a kind of cold tang to every inhale, like a sunny winter day bordering spring-time. It wasn't warm, but it wasn't cool. It was... perfect.

The car slid to a stop, pebbles making it skid slightly before it halted. Han called out a, "We're here, Shibi!" and the girl seemed very enthused.

With a pull of her fingers, the car door clicked open and unveiled their location. It was further exposed when they stepped out onto a cobble-paved court, the stones smooth and worn underfoot. At the end of the circular court rose grassy hills in gentle waves, with small pickets atop their apex waving ribbons in the breeze. And towering before Kiria in a might she didn't know existed was a beautiful, no - a glorious church. Behind it rose a sharp cliff which led to bigger hills, more rolls that were sharper in drop and rise but still as smooth as their base cousins. Built into this cliff, on the various ledges, were small buildings.

"Welcome to Yauren, a sanctuary for Mages everywhere," Shizira introduced with a sweep of her arm, to Han's amused chuckling.

"It's big," Axel stated, stepping out and staring.

"Lady, Lady! Loo'! Iz people!" a childish voice blurted as a figure leaped from the open archway and bobbed down the stairs, alternating feet so quickly it was almost a blur. The child skid to a stop and stared up at Kiria with wide, entranced eyes.

She had vivid, leaf-green eyes and a smile to melt butter in Antarctica. Her hair was short and choppy and snow-white, but despite her diminutive stature, she carried herself as proudly as any adult. "I's Haru! And you?"

"I'm Kiria," the mentioned greeted somewhat shyly. "Haru? That's a pretty name."

The girl nodded enthusiastically as another chuckle, warm and aged, filled the air. A lady descended down the steps at a much slower pace, with crow's feet at the corners of her brown eyes and her black hair swept back in a wispy bun.

"Kiria, then. Welcome to Chapel Yauren. I am Madame Ketsuka, and it is my pleasure to make your acquaintance. The same to the others, and hello, Shizira. Taking them sight-seeing?"

"Kiria is a Magic Practitioner," Shi added, standing beside her friend in a floral skirt and button-up white blouse, another new outfit. "I'm teaching her magic."

"You made a wise choice visiting us. I'm afraid you'll have to be careful, however, the twins-"

"I'm better!"

"No, I'm better!"

"Fire smelts water, you dipwad!"

"Nuh-uh, water puts out fire, dipwad!"





"Let me show you then, stupid!" Kiria backpedaled away from the door as a tendril of fire swirled out moments later, filling the air with a vibrant orange glow.

"Natsu!" Madame Ketsuka shrieked. "Get out here, now!"

"Looks like you're in for it, stupid," one of the voices whispered.

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