Chapter Thirteen: Do I Remember?

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She stretched out on the sand, propping her head up on an old, crumbling rock with a particular pattern. She sighed happily, watching the sunset. It was about to get really cold again, and she had little more than the clothes on her back and her rock.

"Guess I don't mind it though, I like the cold," she told herself aloud. She really loved her home, but it could be very hard to live at times, and it got very lonely, her only company being her rock. She liked her rock. It's name was Uria.

In the distance she felt the earth rumble with hoof beats. Horses, she thought. Horses mean people. And people mean stuff, and stuff was good.

She sat up, leaving Uria behind, and watched the shadows in the distance get closer. Her eyesight was excellent in the dark, not as good in the sunlight though. She thought it was because she was a demon. At least, that's what the townspeople always said.

"She's evil! She's a demon! Her eyes glow yellow in the dark! She has wings on her arms! She has no family!"

So what if she had no family? That had nothing to do with anything ever. And what was a yellow? It sounded yummy. And as far as she knew, she wasn't a demon. Was she? She didn't know, she'd never encountered one. Unless she was one. Or Uria. Meh, Uria being a demon would make sense.

The horses were close now, and she had an idea. She looked around and saw nothing in the distance but the town. Dammit, looked like she couldn't be sneaky.

She stood up. Would they recognize her?

"Excuse me!" she yelled, waving. She could now clearly see them, despite the sun being gone. They looked different... were they foreigners?

"Yes, ma'am?" the leader asked. He stopped for her, and she inspected him. Very very pale, blonde hair, soft gray eyes. This man was mostly definitely from a far away place; she had never seen anyone with such pale skin.

"Could you help me? I was robbed and stranded here. I could really use some food and a blanket, maybe," she lied. By now, she was an expert liar. Sorta.

"Why, of course!" he exclaimed, clearly shocked. He told the others to go on without him, and he stepped off his horse as his group disappeared in the distance.

The man opened the saddle bag attached to the horse's saddle, pulling out a blanket and some strange container.

She saw her opportunity and almost reluctantly kicked him, making him fall to the ground. Her now glowing gold eyes locked into his own, and she smirked. In one quick swoop his throat was sliced open, gray eyes now dead to the world. Her now light lavender eyes gasped at the sight she saw. She took one deep breath, and looked at the horse. She knew what to do.

It didn't take much to get rid of the body or the rest of the group. She did so quickly, leading them to the cliff and making them all fall one by one, horses included. But not before she took their saddles off, going through each saddle bag. She hardly found anything interesting until the last one, finding a small knife and a very shiny thing. She didn't know what it was, but it was shiny, and on a string, so she wore it. She liked it.

She went back to Uria with a full belly, a better means of protection, a shiny, and a blanket.


She remembered.

To everyone else, the girl on the couch that had formerly been Shizira was now sitting paralyzed with her fingertips resting gently on the book cover. Her breathing was slow, but very heavy, as if in shock.

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