Chapter Fifty: It Tastes like Burning

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"So... why are we going to a creepy old house on the outskirts of the city?" Kiria asked.

"Experience. We're going to try a seance. And we brought the others so we could have a perfect pentagram."

"I have no idea what we're doing but Ki-Ki's doing it so I'm doing it," Asuiri doofily smiled as he climbed through the broken window, the wooden frame scraping the back of his brown jacket. As soon as he was inside, he cuddled Kiria and kissed the crown of her hair.

"Romance later," Axel snorted, climbing in after. Last of all was Malice, who tried to dive through the window but got stuck halfway through.

"Guys! I have a problem!" she quipped.

"What is i- oh my gosh."

"Axel, can you pull her in?"

"Why me?"

"You're the strongest."

"Oh, right." Axel grabbed Malice's arms and pulled hard once, twice, and the third time Malice squeaked through the wooden frame with a 'pop!'

"Thank you, Atool!"

"You pronounce everyone else's names right."

"I know!"

"This way, guys," Shizira interrupted, clicking on a flashlight and shining it through the dark house.

"And why did we go at n-night?" stuttered Kiria.

"If you didn't notice, demons are more active at night. Same with spirits. Isn't that right, Izira?"

"Shoe off."


"What did she say?" Asuiri bounced up beside her, also shining his blue-beamed flashlight around (it was a penguin-themed flashlight).

"She told me to Shoe Off."

"Sounds very much like your spirit," said Axel.

"I know. Here, Izira, do you feel anything?"

"I feel annoyed at your bitchy-ass self wasting time with seances."

"I meant creepy mojo, not how you emotionally feel."

"Ugh. Fine. Upstairs. There's a hidden room and it is definitely off. If you die, I blame you. Forever."

"Fair enough. Shall we go upstairs?"

"Mistress, I do not like this," Raviel stated.

"Neither do I, Raviel," Kiria mumbled.

"What's that, Kiria?"


The stairs squeaked with every footstep as Shizira tried every one gently with her foot.

"Careful, guys," she pointed out, stepping so her feet pressed against the walls on a particular stair. "This one's weak."

"It's what?" sang Malice as she climbed up, placing her foot and all her weight on the direct center-


"Owie! Atool~ I think I have wood pointies in my thighs!"

"Only you," she sighed, grabbing Malice by the armpits and pulling her out of the hole. She pushed her onto the next step, and then hesitantly climbed after, reaching the second floor moments later. The roof peaked above them, making the ceiling as Shizira turned around and around in the open two-room floor.

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