Chapter Fifty-Eight: Date Date Date

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"Atool!" Malice called while knocking on the door of the blonde's bedroom. "I drew you a picture!"

"Ma-lice~," Kiria cooed, knowing the childish egyptian liked it. She set the book on magic down, sitting on the couch with a smile. "I wanna see your picture. Do you wanna show me instead?"

"But I drew it for Atool!" Malice whined, pouting and looking at the bedroom door. "What's she even doing in there, Ki-Ki?"

"Axel's getting ready for her date. Don't you remember when she told you about Enayai?"

"Mm-hmm. But I didn't know they were dating tonight! I wanted to watch a movie with Atool..." A knock was heard at the door. Malice got to the door before Kiria, expecting a pretty girl. She was wrong.

"Hey-Hi, Ki-Ki and Mal-chi!" Asuiri greeted. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah." Malice stepped aside to let Asuiri in, closing the door behind him. Another door opened as he joined his girlfriend on the couch, and out stepped Axel.

In Malice's eyes, she looked like an extra fancy princess. Her hair was down, a rare sight, and a yellow dress that reached her knees was on her. She also wore a magenta sash and earrings, both complimenting her eyes.

So simple, but beautiful.

"You're so pretty!" Malice sang. Axel smiled.

"Thanks, Malice."

"Oh! Oh! Also, I drew-" She was stopped by the sound of knocking. But this time it wasn't Asuiri's traditional thump-and-roll, or Shizira's knock-knock-kn-knock. It was a plain knock.

Axel grinned wide and answered the door. Enayai stood there, looking almost as beautiful as Axel.

"Hello, Enayai."

"Hey, Red Tomato." Enayai was grinning just as large as Axel, and looking just as excited. "So, you ready?"

"Pretty much. Hey, Malice! You be good for Kiria and Asuiri tonight, you hear?"

"I hear."

"Good girl." It hardly made Malice any happier to hear Axel call her good as she stepped out the door, closing it behind her.

"Good girl..." Malice felt arms wrap around her and turned her head to see a short Kiria trying her hardest to give the tall blonde a proper hug.

"Good girl. It's alright, Malice. A-Axel's just excited, she met someone really nice who she might even love."

"But I love Atool!" Malice cried, pouting. "And you love Atool, and Uria loves Atool, and Hamon loves Atool..."

"Now I wouldn't say that!" the golden ass himself called from where he was locked in the bathroom.

"I get it, Malice. Come sit on the couch with me and Asu, okay~?" Malice didn't know how, but Kiria always made her feel at home.

And an hour and a half later, Kiria was tucking the girl in. "I think your pictures are lovely. Maybe you should draw one for Shi? You know she likes to draw, and I bet she'd love a drawing from you."

"You think so?" Malice asked, sleepy and beaming. Kiria and Asuiri had watched a movie with her and ate popcorn until Malice couldn't watch a minute longer without falling asleep.

"I know so. Goodnight, sleepyhead."

"Night, Ki-Ki." Malice closed her eyes to sleep. She was tired. She'd just show Atool in the morning her awesome drawing.

Axel, on the other hand, was having a great time. Enayai had taken her first to a fancy steak restaurant, which had amazing steaks and at a price that would make Kiria cry, and now they were at the movies. They had both decided on some cheesy action movie. It was actually pretty nice.

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