Chapter Twenty-Seven: More Magic

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        "Shizira, I believe - actually, I would love to. I wouldn't mind taking on the responsibility. After all, I took on the responsiblity of taking care of Malice and Axel, didn't I?"

        An annoyed Axel sat in the background. "You're not doing a very good job," she grumbled.

        Shizira nodded her head, a challenging look on her face. Kiria felt that look was directed at her, pushing her to her limits. "Excellent. Since everyone and their brother's doing Battle City, we'll go visit the market tomorrow. Meet me... alright, meet me a Domino Station, okay?"


        Kiria adjusted the bag straps on her shoulders. Malice rocked on her heels beside her, sipping on a juice box. Kiria had taken on the responsibility of watching Malice today, since Axel wanted some sleep. They stood in front of Domino Station, waiting for Shizira to arrive.

        There she came, jogging toward them. She was wearing short blue-jean cut offs and a black v-neck shirt - Kiria wasn't surprised anymore by her variety of attire - with her normal bag slung across her shoulders. She was also wearing the earrings, although Kiria couldn't see them. She adjusted the book-bag again, with the somewhat heavy rocks inside shifting alongside.

        She slid to a stop beside them, smiling. "I hope you brought your bus pass~"

        They boarded a bus and took a set of seats, Malice sitting in-between Shizira and Kiria. The latter was wondering where exactly they were going, and also dwelling upon her acceptance of the responsibility of magic. Kiria also wondered about what spells she'd learn, what Shizira might teach her first. Better yet, what kind of mage would she want to be? Being a Dark Mage like Izira didn't seem tempting, but then again, it had brought Axel back...

        At the cost of another person's life.

        "Hey, Shizira?"

        "Mm, yes, Kiria?" she peered over Malice, who was busy playing with the tiny bauble she'd been given before, and seemed interested and attentive. A bit like a teacher, really.

        "I was wondering... could you tell me about equal-exchange? Izira mentioned it before."

        "Ah, equal exchange. One of the more base principals of magic. Almost all spells have some form of equal exchange, but the prices depend on the type of magic. Very few spells go without cost. The Dark Magic spell Izira used to resurrect Axel, for example, had an equal-exchange. In return for bringing Axel out of one of the Seven Rings, Izira used another person's body. She could have done it with him alive, and therefore put his soul into the Shadow Realm instead, but she did the nicer thing... as crazy as that is. She killed him and sent his soul on, so rather than doing an equal soul-exchange, they did equal body-exchange. And then the price isn't so drastic with Light Magic spells, the cost is normally some of your energy. Nothing drastic, really. It's almost always the Light Spells that go costless, too."

        "I see. Thank you."

        The bus rumbled to a stop, passengers getting on or off. Shizira stood up, and so did Kiria and Malice, and they stepped off. It trundled away as Shi began walking down the sidewalk. Kiria had to catch up and keep pace with her as they flowed along the trains of people. Kiria kept a tight grip on Malice's hand, for safety.

        After walking for what seemed like forever, Shizira turned over her shoulder and beckoned them whilst ducking into an alley. Kiria felt nervous and hesitant as she followed, but Malice seemed unfazed. She was sipping yet another juice box.

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