Chapter Seventeen: Let's Deliever a Shiny (and not come Back)

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She laid down on the sand, arms crossed behind her head. It was certainly more comfortable than Uria was, and she figured that Uria didn't like it when she did that anyway.

What was she going to do? Think, think, think. C'mon, you're a smart demon. Smart enough to survive in such a dangerous place. How will you get your importants and your Uria from here to the place? Maybe...

The saddle bags?

She sat up quickly. Did she think of that, or did Uria help her? She wasn't sure, but she was sure about one thing: there was at least one saddle bag still at the cliff. Excitedly, she pulled off her armbands and jumped into the air, flying towards the cliff as fast as a lot of horses fastness put together. Oh boy, oh boy, was this exciting!

Coming towards the cliff, she saw something. A something that didn't look normal. She pulled her arms into her sides, wings retracting and becoming a bullet. She sped and landed, crashing into the sand next to the abnormal something.

She jumped up quickly, eyes flashing gold and ready to kick some ass. She snarled, seeing two terrified thieves racing away with the only saddle bag. Her saddle bag. Arms up and flapping, it only took her ten seconds to catch up with the thieves.

"Excuse me, but that's mine," she hissed. The one with nothing in his hands ran away faster, frantically trying to escape the infamous "merciless demon".

She pounced upon the other, now sharped canines breaking flesh on the thief's neck. He screamed at the top of his lungs, dropping to the sandy ground and also dropping the saddle bag. Noticing this, the sandy blonde lost her grip and let go, the thief racing after his friend. She smirked and wiped her mouth.

She closed her eyes and fell to her knees, holding her forehead in her hands.

"Ow..." she moaned, rubbing her forehead and opening her once again lavender eyes.

What just happened? Oh, there's the saddle bag. She lifted it up and slung it over her shoulder, tasting a bit of icky in her mouth and brushing it off as nothing.


Asuiri sat in a tree, taking a sip from his juice box. Icey Kiwi, the best flavor ever in the history of Asuiri. Specifically Icey-cool Strawberry-Kiwi.

He looked down again, checking on the others. After the incident at the museum, they had all decided to just spend the rest of the day at the park. Lucky for him, he was almost always at the park, and he just so happened to be in his favorite tree, the same tree with the little hole in it. The same one he stashed with juice boxes.

Asuiri looked at the girls again. Shi-chi had brought a book with her so she was reading, Axel was enoying a juice box he had offered her, and Kiria was thumbing through her deck for the fourty millionth time. But that was okay, Kiria was a really good duelist. Like super-douple-double-icey good.

"Hey Axel," she asked in her soft voice. Kiria had such a pretty, soft voice, even if she was a little hard to hear sometimes.

"Aye, sis?"

"Should I participate in Battle City?"

Axel about spit out her juice. "You can't be serious?" Shi looked up from her book at Kiria, a questioning look on her face.

"I don't see why not try it," Shi added. Axel gave her a dirty look.

"I don't want my baby sister participating in anything like that!"

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