⤷ somali

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somali names
( meaning )


aamina ( feel safe )
amburo ( amber )
astur ( to conceal )
axado ( sunday )
axlam ( imaginative )
ayaan ( bright )

barkhado ( sunbeam )
barwaaqo ( prosperous )
beydaan ( almond )
bilan ( firstborn )
bilqiis ( desert )
bishaaro ( joy )

caaisho ( long-living )
caaliyah ( exalted )
calaso ( fair-skinned )
canab ( grape )
casho ( life )
cawo ( luck )

faduma ( to abstain )
fawzia ( victorious )
fowsio ( success )

gargaaro ( one who helps )

hani ( happy )
haweeyo ( elevated one )
hibaaq ( gift from Allah )
hodan ( wealthy )
hoodo ( lucky )

idil ( perfect )
isiino ( born on monday )

jamilah ( beautiful )
jawaahir ( jewelry )

khadiija ( premature child )
khadra ( lucky )

ladan ( healthy )
leylo ( dusk )

magool ( early flowering )
meelaaney ( on the road to success )

nala ( first drink of water in the desert )
nasteexo ( counsel )

obax ( flower )

sagal ( morning rays of the sun during the rainy season )
sahra ( desert )
shamshi ( my sun )

uba ( flower )
ugbad ( bouquet of roses )

waris ( desert flower )

xaawo ( lively )
xalwo ( sweet )
xoriyo ( freedom )

yasmiin ( flower )


aaden ( to create )
abdirahim ( servant of the most merciful )
abdiraxman ( servant of divine grace )
abdullahi ( servant of God )
absame ( great one )
abshir ( congratulations )
aftaab ( sun )
ahmed ( most praised )
asad ( lion )
axmed ( most praised )

barre ( bare )
bashir ( bringer of good news )
burhaan ( charisma )

cabdulmajid ( servant of the glorious )
caweys ( night )
cawil ( replacement )
cilmi ( learning of knowledge )
cumar ( eloquent )

daahir ( religiously pure )
dalmar ( versatile )
diric ( fearless )

erasto ( man of peace )

faarax ( handsome )
filsan ( best of his age )

geesi ( hero )
geedi ( traveler )
gurey ( left-handed )
guuleed ( victor )

ibraahin ( son of God )
iiman ( faith )
ismaacil ( God will hear )

liban ( preserve )

magan ( protection )
maxamed ( praised )

nadifa ( born between seasons )

rooble ( rain )

sharmaarke ( protection from evil )
suleymaan ( peace )

taban ( sunshine )
tahiil ( balance )
tadalesh ( lucky )
tafia ( tribe )
tawfiiq ( success )

warsame ( bringer of good news )

xabib ( beloved )
xidig ( star )
xirsi ( safeguard )
xuseen ( relating to the body )

yasir ( prosperous )
yuusuf ( God increases )

zahi ( splendid )

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