⤷ middle eastern

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middle eastern surnames
( origin, meaning )

abadi ( arabic, eternal )
abbas ( arabic, lion )
abbasi ( persian, lion )
abd al-rashid ( arabic, servant of the right-handed )
abdallah ( arabic, servant of God )
agha ( persian, military officer )
ahmad ( arabic, praised one )
akbari ( persian, of royal ancestors )
akhenaten ( egyptian, beneficial to aton )
amani ( persian, wish )
amin ( arabic, trustworthy )
ansari ( persian, supporter )
arfaoui ( moroccan, elevated )
asgari ( persian, devotee )

badawi ( arabic, desert dwellers )
baghdadi ( arabic, bestowed by God )
bahrami ( persian, to do with planet mars )
bakir ( arabic, dawn )
bayat ( persian, strong man )
bekhti ( moroccan, fortune )
belarbi ( moroccan, the arab's son )
belhadj ( moroccan, the pilgrim's son )
bukhari ( persian, from bukhara )
burhan ( arabic, knowledgeable one )

chergui ( moroccan, person from the east )
cherkaoui ( moroccan, eastern )

darwish ( arabic, to explore )
dawoud ( arabic, beloved friend )
djazairi ( moroccan, islands )

ebeid ( arabic, worshipper of God )
ebrahimi ( persian, father of the best )

faheem ( arabic, intelligent )
fahmy ( egyptian, understanding )
faizan ( arabic, ruler )
fallah ( persian, farmer )
farkhani ( moroccan, from farkhani )
fathi ( persian, victory )
fouad ( egyptian, heart )

gaddafi ( arabic, archer )
gamal ( egyptian, beauty )
gharabaghi ( persian, from karabagh )
gharbi ( moroccan, westerner )
ghasemi ( persian, distributor of wisdom )
ghazali ( arabic, philosopher )
ghorbani ( persian, sacrifice )
ghulam ( arabic, young servant of God )
gul ( persian, )

hadi ( arabic, guide to righteousness )
hadid ( arabic, iron )
hadj ( moroccan, pilgrim )
hafeez ( arabic, guardian )
hakimi ( persian, wise ruler )
hamadache ( algerian )
hariri ( arabic, silk )
hasan ( arabic, beautiful )
hasani ( persian, handsome )
heydari ( persian, lion )
hussein ( arabic, handsome )

iqbal ( arabic, strong one )
issawi ( arabic, tender )

jabal ( arabic, great height )
jafari ( persian, stream )
jaouhari ( moroccan, jewel )
jawahir ( arabic, gold )

kader ( arabic, capable )
kassab ( arabic, breadwinner )
kazemi ( persian, one who controls emotions )
khani ( persian, hidden )
khorrami ( persian, associated with khorram )
khufu ( egyptian, god )

laghmani ( arabic, born at nightfall )

maalouf ( arabic, one who stands out )
madani ( persian, citizen )
mahdi ( persian, one who is rightly guided by God )
maleki ( persian, messenger of God )
marwan ( arabic, strength )
masoumi ( persian, innocence )
mehri ( persian, lovable )
meryaten ( egyptian, strong bull )
mirza ( persian, child of a prince/princess )

nabih ( arabic, vigilant )
nagi ( arabic, closest friend )
nahdi ( arabic, strong tree )
najafi ( persian, from najaf )
nasri ( persian, victory )
nasser ( arabic, victory )
nazari ( persian, children of nazar )
noor ( arabic, divine )
nouri ( persian, someone with lights )

osman ( arabic, servant devoted to God )

pour ( persian, son of )

qadir ( arabic, capable )
qasim ( arabic, one who distributes )

rafiq ( arabic, follower of God )
rahim ( arabic, forgiving )
ramzi ( arabic, quiet )
rashid ( arabic, truth )
reza ( persian, contentment )
rouhani ( persian, soulful )

safavi ( persian, pure soul )
salehi ( persian, descendant of saleh )
salmani ( persian, good day )
shariq ( arabic, devoted companion )
shiri ( persian, sweet )
soltani ( persian, descended from a sultan )
syed ( arabic, master )

taheri ( persian, descended from tahir )
tawfiq ( arabic, opportunity )
tehrani ( persian, from tehran )
thutmose ( egyptian, born of thoth )
turan ( persian, associated with tur )

wahed ( arabic, the only one )

yasin ( arabic, richness )
yousefi ( persian, son of joseph )

zadeh ( persian, offspring )
zafar ( persian, victory )
zare ( persian, prince/princess )
zeyad ( arabic, generous )

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