⤷ catalan

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catalan names
( meaning )


aina ( always )
alba ( white )
amàlia ( work )
anaís ( grace )
àngels ( angel )
anna ( grace )

beatriu ( she who makes happy )
bèlem ( place name )

carme ( our lady of carmel )
caterina ( pure )

dolors ( sorrowful )

èlisabet ( pledged to God )
estel ( star )
eulàlia ( well-spoken )

flor ( flower )

hortènsia ( at home in a garden )

isabel ( God is my oath )

jacinta ( hyacinth )
joana ( God is gracious )
josefina ( Jehovah increases )
julià ( supreme god )

laia ( fair of speech )
lidia ( beautiful one )
lucía ( of light )
luisa ( renowned warrior )

margareda ( pearl )
marta ( lady )
martína ( dedicated to mars )
mercè ( grace )
meritxell ( noon )
mireia ( prosperous )
montserrat ( jagged mountain )

neus ( snow )
núria ( place between valleys )

raquela ( ewe )
roci ( dew )
roser ( rose)

salut ( good health )
silvia ( spirit of the wood )
sofia ( wisdom )


agustí ( high regard )
aleix ( defending men )
alexandre ( defending men )
antoni ( priceless one )
arnau ( ruler )

bernabè ( son of consolation )
biel ( white-haired )

carles ( charles )
cristòfor ( christopher )

dídac ( supplanter )

emili ( eager )
enric ( house ruler )
esteve ( crown )

felip ( lover of horses )
feliu ( lucky )
ferran ( journey )
francesc ( free man )

guifré ( divine peace )
guillem ( resolute protector )

iganci ( fiery one )
iker ( visitor )

jacint ( hyacinth )
jaume ( supplanter )
joan ( God is gracious )
joaquim ( God has granted )
jordi ( farmer )
josep ( Jehovah increases )

lluc ( light )
lluís ( warrior )

manel ( God is with us )
martí ( warlike )
mateu ( gift of God )
miquel ( who is like God? )

narcís ( daffodil )
nicolau ( people's victory )

oriol ( golden )

pascual ( easter )
pau ( small )
pere ( rock )
pol ( paul )

raimon ( one who gives protective advices )
roc ( rest )
rodolf ( glory )
roger ( renown lance )

sergi ( servant )

tomau ( twin )

vícenç ( to conquer )

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