⤷ portuguese

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portuguese names
( meaning )


ana ( favor )

beatriz ( voyager )
benedita ( blessed )

callie ( beautiful )
camila ( free born )
carlotta ( free woman )
carlotte ( free woman )
carolina ( song of happiness )
cassandra ( prophetess )
chiara ( famous )
clara ( famous )

dajana ( heavenly )

élea ( merciful )
elena ( light of the sun )
elianna ( my God has answered me )
élise ( God is abundance )
èmilie ( rival )

francisca ( french person )

ilyana ( light )
inês ( pure )
isabella ( God is abundance )

joana ( God is gracious )
julia ( dedicated to jupiter )

kelya ( warrior )
kiara ( famous )

lara ( beauty )
léa ( lioness )
léonie ( lioness )
leonor ( light )
lia ( lioness )
luna ( moon )

madalena ( appeared )
mahlia ( of the sea/bitter/beloved )
manuéla ( God is with us )
margarida ( daisy )
maria ( of the sea/bitter/beloved )
mariana ( manly )
matilde ( mighty in battle )
maya ( of the sea/bitter/beloved )
mélina ( sweet as honey )
mia ( star of the sea )
mila ( miracles )

noémie ( pleasantness )


tahlia ( dew from God )

victoria ( conqueror )

zoe ( life )


afonso ( noble )
andre ( strong and manly )
angelo ( messenger )
artur ( noble )

bernardo ( strong as a bear )

cruz ( cross )

dinis ( follower of dionysus )
duarte ( one who watches over the land )

eduardo ( prosperous guardian )
einar ( lone warrior )
elija ( Jehovah is my God )
eloan ( light )
énaël ( God has answered )

fernando ( bold voyager )
francisco ( free man )

gonçalo ( battle )
guilherme ( resolute protector )
gustavo ( staff )

ilan ( tree )

jannik ( God is gracious )
javier ( bright )
joao ( Jehovah has been gracious )
jorge ( farmer )
jose ( Jehovah increases )
josue ( the Lord is my salvation )
julian ( dedicated to jupiter )
justino ( righteous )

kylian ( warrior )

leon ( lion )
leonardo ( lion-bold )
leopoldo ( bold man )
loucas ( from lucania )
louis ( famous warrior )
lourenço ( from laurentum )
luciano ( light )

marcos ( warlike )
martim ( dedicated to mars )
mateus ( gif of God )
mauricio ( dark-skinned )
miguel ( who is like God )

oscar ( God spear )

patricio ( noble )
paulo ( little )
pedro ( rock )

raphael ( he has healed )
rémy ( oarsman )
ricardo ( dominant ruler )
roberto ( bright fame )
roque ( rock )
rosario ( rosary )

salvador ( savior )
samuel ( name of God )
santiago ( saint james )
silverio ( god of trees )

teodoro ( God given )
thélio ( saint )
théo ( divine gift )
thiago ( supplanter )
tomas ( twin )

valente ( strong )
vidal ( life )
vincente ( conquering )

zacarias ( Jehovah has remembered )

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