⤷ hopi

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hopi names
( meaning )


angwusnasomtaqa ( crow mother spirit )
ankti ( repeated dance )

catori ( pure )
cha'kwaina ( one who cries )
cha'risa ( elk )
chochmingwu ( corn mother )
chosovi ( bluebird )
chosposi ( bluebird eye )
chu'mana ( snake maiden )
chu'si ( snake flower )

hakidonmuya ( time of waiting )
hehewuti ( warrior mother spirit )
honovi ( strong deer )
humita ( shelled corn )

kachina ( spirit )
kakawangwa ( bitter )
kasa ( dressed in furs )
kay ( rejoiced )
kokyangwuti ( spider-woman )
kuwanlelenta ( to make beautiful surroundings )
kuwanyamtiwa ( beautiful badger going over the hill )
kuwanyauma ( butterfly spreading their beautiful wings )

lenmana ( flute girl )
lomahongva ( beautiful clouds arising )

mansi ( plucked flower )
muna ( desires )

nova ( new )
nukpana ( evil )

pakwa ( frog )
pamuy ( water moon )
pavati ( clear water )
polikwaptiwa ( butterfly sitting on a flower )
powaqa ( witch )

qaletaqa ( guardian of the people )

shuman ( rattlesnake handler )
sihu ( flower )
sikya ( small canyon )
soyala ( winter solstice )
sunki ( to catch up with )

tablita ( crown )
takala ( corn tassel )
tansy ( flower )
tiponi ( child of importance )
tiva ( dance )
totsi ( moccasins )
tuuwa ( sand )
tuwa ( earth )

una ( remember )

waki ( shelter )
wuti ( woman )

yamka ( blossom )
yoki ( rain )

zihna ( spin )


ahote ( restless one )
alo ( one who looks up )
aponivi ( where the wind blows )
ayawamat ( one who follows orders )

cha'akmongwi ( crier chief )
cha'tima ( caller )
chavatangakwunua ( short rainbow )
cheveyo ( spirit warrior )
chochmo ( mud mound )
chochokpi ( throne for the clouds )
chochuschuvio ( white-tailed deer )
choovio ( antelope )
choviohoya ( young deer )
chowilawu ( joined together by water )
chu'a ( snake )
chuchip ( deer spirit )
chunta ( cheating )

hania ( spirit warrior )
hawiovi ( going down the ladder )
honani ( badger )
honaw ( bear )
honovi ( strong )
hopi ( peaceful person )
hototo ( warrior spirit who sings )

istaqa ( coyote man )

kachada ( white man )
kele ( sparrow )
kolichiyaw ( skunk )
kotori ( screech owl spirit )
kwahu ( eagle )
kwatoko ( big-beaked bird )

lansa ( lance )
lapu ( cedar bark )
len ( brave as a lion )
lena ( flute )

machakw ( horned toad )
makya ( eagle hunter )
masichuvio ( grey deer )
mochni ( talking bird )
moki ( deer )
mongwau ( owl )

nayavu ( clay )
nukpana ( evil )

omawnakw ( cloud feather )

pachu'a ( feathered water snake )
pahana ( lost white brother )
pimne ( weasel )

qaletaqa ( guardian of the people )
qochata ( white man )

sikyahonaw ( yellow bear )
sikyatavo ( yellow rabbit )
sowi'ngwa ( black-tailed deer )

tangakwunu ( rainbow )
tawa ( sun )
tocho ( mountain lion )
tohopka ( wild beast )

wikvaya ( one who brings )

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