⤷ biblical names

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biblical mythology names
( origin, meaning )


abital ( hebrew, my father is dew )
abra ( hebrew, father of multitudes )
ada ( german, noble )
aquila ( latin, eagle )
artemas ( greek, goddess of the hunt )
azubah ( hebrew, desolation )

bathsheba ( hebrew, daughter of an oath )
bethel ( hebrew, house of God )

candace ( latin, pure )

damaris ( greek, dominant woman )
delilah ( hebrew, delicate )
dinah ( hebrew, God will judge )

elisheva ( hebrew, pledged to God )
eve ( hebrew, life )

galilee ( hebrew, province )

helah ( hebrew, rust )
hepzibah ( hebrew, my delight is in her )
hosanna ( hebrew, deliver us )

jemima ( hebrew, dove )
jerusha ( hebrew, inheritance )
jezebel ( hebrew, not exalted )
junia ( hebrew, born in june )

keren ( hebrew, strength )
keturah ( hebrew, incense )
keziah ( hebrew, cassia tree )

lilith ( assyrian, ghost )

magdalena ( greek, from magdala )
mehitabel ( hebrew, God rejoices )

persis ( greek, persian woman )
phoebe ( greek, shining one )

salome ( hebrew, peace )
sapphira ( greek, sapphire )
sarai ( hebrew, princess )
selah ( hebrew, praise )
susannah ( hebrew, lily )

tabitha ( aramaic, gazelle )
tamar ( hebrew, date palm tree )

vashti ( persian, lovely )

zilla ( hebrew, shadow )
zipporah ( hebrew, bird )


abel ( hebrew, breath )
abiel ( hebrew, God is my father )
abner ( hebrew, father of light )
abraham ( hebrew, father of multitudes )
abram ( hebrew, father of multitudes )
adlai ( hebrew, God is just )
ahab ( hebrew, uncle )
amos ( hebrew, carried by God )

balthazar ( greek, God protects the king )
barak ( hebrew, lightning )
barnaby ( english, son of consolation )
benaiah ( hebrew, built by God )
boaz ( hebrew, swiftness )

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