⤷ district two

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district two ( masonry ) names
( origin, meaning )


ambrosia ( greek, immortal )
aquila ( latin, eagle )
artemisia ( greek, goddess of the hunt )
athanasios ( greek, immortal )
augusta ( latin, magnificent )

berenice ( greek, she who brings victory )

cleo ( greek, variation of cleopatra )
cleopatra ( greek, glory of the father )

eunike ( greek, good victory )

hilde ( german, battle woman )
hypatia ( greek, supreme )

kassandra ( greek, excelling men )

livia ( latin, envious )
lysistrata ( greek, she who disbands armies )

marcella ( latin, warlike )
martia ( latin, warlike )
maxima ( latin, greatest )

nike ( greek, victory )

prima ( latin, first )

quartzite ( english, mineral )

timothea ( greek, God's honor )

valentina ( latin, strength )

zenobia ( greek, force of zeus )


achilles ( greek, thin-lipped )
adonis ( greek, lord )
aeneas ( greek, praised one )
alabaster ( english, mineral )
alaric ( german, all-powerful ruler )
alexios ( greek, defending men )
alnico ( english, mineral )
ambrosius ( latin, immortal )
archimedes ( greek, master planner )
aristotle ( greek, superior )
arsenios ( latin, virile )
augustus ( latin, magnificent )

basalt ( english, mineral )

cleon ( greek, renowned )
cletus ( greek, called forth )
copper ( english, mineral )
cyril ( greek, lordly )

eneas ( greek, praised one )
erasmus ( greek, beloved/desired )

gneiss ( german, mineral )
granite ( english, mineral )
gregor ( greek, vigilant )

hector ( greek, holding fast )
heron ( greek, hero )
homer ( greek, pledge )

invictus ( latin, unconquerable )

justus ( latin, just )

leander ( greek, lion man )
leonidas ( greek, lion )
lysander ( greek, liberator )

magnus ( scandinavian, greatest )
marcus ( latin, warlike )
marius ( latin, warlike )
maximus ( latin, greatest )

nero ( latin, stern )
nickel ( english, mineral )
nicodemus ( greek, victory of the people )
nicomedes ( greek, pondering victory )
nikias ( greek, victory )
nikostratos ( greek, army of victory )

odysseus ( greek, wrathful )
orpheus ( greek, darkness of the night )

pewter ( english, mineral )
plato ( greek, broad-shouldered )

quartz ( english, mineral )

rastus ( greek, beloved/desired )

slate ( english )
stone ( english )

thad ( greek, variation of thaddeus )
thaddeus ( greek, gift of God )
theron ( greek, hunter )
timaeus ( latin, honor )
tin ( english, mineral )
travers ( english, travertine )

xenophon ( greek, foreign voice )

zeno ( greek, king of the gods )
zinc ( english, mineral )


alexis ( greek, defender )

blue ( english, bluestone )

chisel ( latin, tool used to shape materials )

hero ( greek, demigod )

valor ( english, great courage in the face of danger )

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