⤷ italian

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italian names
( meaning )


alessandra ( defending men )
alessia ( defending warrior )
alice ( noble )
allegra ( joyful )
angelica ( angel )
angelina ( angel )
aria ( melody )
arianna ( most holy )
aurora ( dawn )

beatrice ( she who makes happy )
bella ( beautiful )
benedetta ( blessed )
bianca ( white )

camilla ( noble )
cara ( dear )
carlotta ( free man )
carmen ( poem )
caterina ( pure )
chiara ( light )
claudia ( lame )
cosima ( order )

daniella ( God is my judge )
drusilla ( fruitful )

elena ( bright )
eleonora ( shining light )
elisa ( my God is a vow )
emilia ( rival )
emma ( whole )

fia ( wild )
flavia ( blonde )
francesca ( free man )

gabriella ( God is my strength )
gaia ( earth )
gemma ( precious stone )
gia ( God's gracious gift )
giada ( jade )
gianna ( the Lord is gracious )
ginevra ( fair one )
gioia ( joy )
giorgia ( farmer )
giovanna ( God is gracious )
giulia ( youthful )

ilaria ( cheerful )
ines ( pure )
isabella ( pledged to God )

kiara ( first ray of sun )

lara ( bright )
laura ( laurel )
lelia ( well-spoken )
lia ( weary )
liliana ( a flower )
livia ( envious )
lucia ( light )
luciana ( light )
ludovica ( famous warrior )
luisa ( famous battle )

margherita ( daisy )
martina ( mars )
mia ( mine/bitter )

paola ( small )
priscilla ( ancient )

quorra ( heart )

rosa ( a flower )

sara ( princess )
serena ( serene )
sienna ( place name )
sofia ( wisdom )

valentina ( strong )
veronica ( she who brings victory )
viola ( purple )
vittoria ( victory )

zia ( aunt )
zola ( piece of earth )


alessandro ( defender of men )
alessio ( defender )
alonzo ( noble )
angelo ( angel )
antonio ( priceless one )

carlo ( free man )
carmine ( poem )
christian ( follower of Christ )
claudio ( lame )
cosimo ( order )
cosmo ( order )

daniele ( God is my judge )
davide ( beloved )
diego ( doctrine )
domenico ( of the Lord )

edoardo ( rich guard )
elio ( Yahweh is God )
emanuele ( God is with us )
emiliano ( work )
emilio ( rival )
enzo ( winner )

federico ( peaceful ruler )
filippo ( lover of horses )
francesco ( free one )

gabriel ( God is my strength )
giacomo ( supplanter )
gioele ( Jehovah is God )
giorgio ( farmer )
giovanni ( God is gracious )
giulio ( downy-bearded )
giuseppe ( God will add )

jacopo ( follower of God )

leonardo ( brave lion )
lorenzo ( from laurentium )
luigi ( famous warrior )

marco ( warlike )
mario ( mars )
matteo ( gift of God )
mattia ( gift of God )
michele ( who is like God )

nico ( people of victory )
nicolo ( victory of the people )

orlando ( famous throughout the land )

paolo ( small )
pasquale ( relating to easter )
pietro ( rock )

riccardo ( brave )
roberto ( bright fame )
romeo ( pilgrim to rome )

salvatore ( savior )
samuel ( name of God )
sergio ( servant )
simone ( God has heard )
stefano ( crown )

thomas ( twin )
tommaso ( twin )

ubaldo ( bold )
ursel ( bear )

valentino ( strong )
vincenzo ( conquering )


andrea ( strong )
armani ( warrior )

eduardo ( wealthy guardian )

gianni ( God is gracious )

luca ( light )

rocco ( rest )
rocky ( rest )

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