⤷ astronomical names

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astronomical names
( origin, being, meaning )


andromeda ( greek, constellation, chained maiden )
antila ( french, constellation, air pump )
aquila ( greek, constellation, eagle )
ara ( greek, constellation, altar )
ariel ( hebrew, uranus' moon, lion of God )
aster ( english, n/a, star )
astraea ( greek, n/a, star )
atria ( persian, star, brightness )
auriga ( latin, constellation, charioteer )

berenice ( greek, constellation, bringer of victory )
bianca ( italian, uranus' moon, white )

callisto ( greek, jupiter's moon, most beautiful )
calypso ( greek, saturn's moon, she who hides )
capella ( roman, star, eleventh brightest star )
carina ( greek, constellation, keel of argo navis )
cassiopeia ( greek, constellation, queen )
cordelia ( latin/celtic, uranus' moon, daughter of the sea )
corona ( spanish, constellation, crown )
cressida ( greek, uranus' moon, gold )
cygni ( scandinavian, star, swan )

danica ( slavic, n/a, morning star )
dara ( khmer, n/a, star )
delphine ( greek, constellation, dolphin )

elanor ( sindarin, n/a, star sun )
elara ( greek, jupiter's moon )
estela ( spanish, n/a, star )
esther ( persian, n/a, star )
estrella ( spanish, n/a, star )

hester ( persian, n/a, star )
hydra ( greek, constellation, water snake )

io ( greek, jupiter's moon )

juliet ( latin, uranus' moon, youthful )

kamaria ( swahili/persian, n/a, moonlight/moon )

lacerta ( greek, constellation, lizard )
larissa ( greek/russian, neptune's moon, citadel )
libra ( greek, constellation, scales )
luna ( latin, n/a, moon )
lyra ( greek, constellation, harp )

maristela ( spanish/portuguese, n/a, star )
miranda ( latin, uranus' moon, marvelous )

norma ( english, constellation, level )

ophelia ( greek, uranus' moon, help )

pandora ( greek, saturn's moon, all gifted )
portia ( latin, uranus' moon, doorway )

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