⤷ 1990s

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1990s names
( origin, meaning )


alexandra ( greek, defending men )
alexis ( greek, defender )
allison ( scottish, noble )
alyssa ( english, noble )
amanda ( latin, she must be loved )
amber ( english, word name )
andrea ( greek, strong and manly )
ashley ( english, dweller near the ash tree meadow )

brianna ( irish, strong )
brittany ( english, from briton )
brooke ( english, small stream )

chelsea ( english, place name )
christina ( greek, christian )
courtney ( french, short nose )

danielle ( french, God is my judge )
destiny ( english, word name )

emily ( latin, rival )
erica ( norse, eternal ruler )

haley ( english, hay field )
hannah ( hebrew, grace )

jasmine ( persian, gift from God )
jessica ( english )
jenna ( english, white wave )
jennifer ( cornish, white wave )
julia ( latin, youthful )

kaitlyn ( irish, pure )
kayla ( hebrew, crown )
kelsey ( english, cenel's island )
kimberly ( english, cyneburga's meadow )

lauren ( english, bay laurel )

madison ( english, son of matthew )
megan ( welsh, pearl )
melissa ( greek, honeybee )
morgan ( welsh, sea-born )

natalie ( french, birthday of the Lord )
nicole ( french, people of victory )

rachel ( hebrew, ewe )
rebecca ( hebrew, to bind )

samantha ( hebrew, told by God )
sarah ( hebrew, princess )
shelby ( english, estate on the ledge )
stephanie ( greek, crown )
sydney ( french, saint denis )

tiffany ( greek, God's appearance )

vanessa ( english, butterfly )
victoria ( latin, victory )


aaron ( hebrew, enlightened )
adam ( hebrew, son of the red earth )
alexander ( greek, defending men )
andrew ( greek, strong and manly )
anthony ( latin, from antium )
austin ( english, magnificent )

brandon ( english, broom-covered hill )
brian ( irish, honorable )

caleb ( hebrew, devoted to God )
cameron ( scottish, crooked nose )
charles ( french, free man )
christian ( greek, follower of Christ )
cody ( english, helpful )
connor ( irish, lover of hounds )

devin ( irish, poet )
dustin ( norse, thor's stone )
dylan ( welsh, son of the sea )

eric ( norse, eternal ruler )
ethan ( hebrew, strong )
evan ( welsh, God is gracious )

gabriel ( hebrew, God is my strength )

jacob ( hebrew, supplanter )
jared ( hebrew, he descends )
jason ( greek, to heal )
jeremy ( english, appointed by God )
jesse ( hebrew, gift )
jonathan ( hebrew, gift of Jehovah )
jose ( spanish/portuguese, Jehovah increases )
joshua ( hebrew, God is my salvation )
juan ( spanish/manx, God is gracious )
justin ( latin, righteous )

kevin ( irish, handsome )
kyle ( scottish, narrow spit of land )

michael ( hebrew, who is like God? )

nathan ( hebrew, given )
nicholas ( greek, people of victory )

patrick ( latin, noble )

ryan ( irish, little king )

samuel ( hebrew, told by God )
sean ( irish, God is gracious )
stephen ( greek, crown )

timothy ( greek, honoring God )
travis ( french, tollgate keeper )
trevor ( welsh, from the large village )
tyler ( english, maker of tiles )

zachary ( hebrew, the Lord has remembered )


jordan ( hebrew, flowing down )

taylor ( english, tailor )

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