⤷ district nine

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district nine ( grain ) names
( origin, meaning )


amaranth ( french, grain )
arley ( english, variation of barley )

cassava ( taino, starchy root vegetable )

grainne ( irish, grain/love )
grania ( irish, grain of corn )

harvest ( germanic, gathering crops )

khora ( iranian, variation of khorasan, a region/type of wheat )

mazie ( spanish, corn/variation of maisie )
millie ( german/english, grain mill )

oryza ( latin, genus of rice )

sonora ( native american, type of wheat )

zea ( latin, grain )


barley ( english, grain )
bran ( french, grain )
buck ( dutch, variation of buckwheat )
bulgar ( turkish, grain )
bushel ( french, measure of capacity for grain )

dagan ( hebrew/ugaritic, grain )
durum ( latin, grain )

einkorn ( german, type of wheat )

farro ( italian, type of wheat )

graham ( english, made from wholewheat flour )

harvey ( english, variation of harvest )

kamut ( iranian, type of wheat )
kernel ( english, hard husk of wheat )

linus ( greek, flax )

maize ( spanish, corn )
miller ( german, person who works in grain mill )
millet ( french, grain )

oat ( english, grain )
oatley ( english, variation of oat )

seed ( germanic, plant's unit of reproduction )
sorghum ( italian, grain )
spelt ( dutch, type of wheat )
stock ( dutch, amount of goods )

wheatley ( english, from the wheat meadow )
wheaton ( anglo-saxon, from wheaton-aston )


emmer ( german, type of wheat )

flour ( english, powder made from grains )

quinoa ( quecha, grain )

rye ( germanic, grain )

teff ( amharic, grain )

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