⤷ victorian

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victorian names ( 1837 to 1901 )
( origin, meaning )


ada ( german/hebrew, noble/adornment )
adelaide ( german/hebrew, noble/adornment )
adelia ( german/hebrew, noble/adornment )
agatha ( origin, virtuous woman )
agnes ( greek/latin, pure/lamb )
alexandra ( greek, people's leader )
alice ( german, noble )
alma ( swedish/persian/celtic, loving/apple/good )
amanda ( latin, worthy of love )
amelia ( german, industrious )
anna ( hebrew/latin/german, grace/eagle )
annabel ( hebrew/latin/german, grace/eagle )
anne ( hebrew/latin/german, grace/eagle )
arabella ( latin, answered prayer )
audrey ( english, noble )

beatrice ( latin, she who makes people happy )
bernice ( greek, bringer of victory )
beryl ( english, gemstone )

caroline ( latin, free man )
catherine ( greek, pure )
charlotte ( latin, free man )
christina ( hebrew, follower of Christ )
clare ( latin, bright )
clementine ( french, merciful )
cora ( greek, maiden )

doris ( greek, gift of God )
dorothy ( greek, gift of God )

ebba ( swedish/english, strong )
edith ( english, blessed )
eleanor ( french/greek, bright )
elizabeth ( hebrew, God is my oath )
emily ( roman, industrious )
emma ( latin/old german, universe )
esther ( persian, star )
ethel ( english, noble )
eugenia ( greek, good genes )
euphemia ( greek, good speaker )
eunice ( greek, good victory )
evelyn ( french, wished for )

florence ( latin, flower )
frances ( latin, free )
georgia ( greek, farmer )
gertrude ( germanic, strength of the spear )
genevieve ( german/french, woman of the people )

harriet ( english, ruler of the home )
henrietta ( french, ruler of the home )

ida ( german, prosperous )
irene ( greek, peace )
ivy ( english/latin, vigor )

jean ( hebrew, God is gracious )
josephine ( hebrew, God grows )

lillian ( latin, lily )
louisa ( latin, famous warrior )
luella ( latin, female warrior/God is my light )
lydia ( greek, noble )

mabel ( english, loveable )
margaret ( german, pearl )
marion ( french, star of the sea )
marjorie ( german, pearl )
matilda ( german, strong battle maiden )
mildred ( anglo-saxon, gentle power )
minnie ( hebrew, wished for )
molly ( hebrew, star of the sea )
myrtle ( greek, green shrub )

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