⤷ greek

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greek names
( meaning )


acacia ( thorny )
agatha ( good woman )
agnes ( pure )
alethea ( truth )
alexandra ( defending men )
alexandria ( defending men )
althea ( with healing power )
amaryllis ( to sparkle )
amethyst ( gem/color name )
anastasia ( resurrection )
andromeda ( advising like a man )
angelina ( angel )
anthea ( flowery )
aphrodite ( love and beauty )
aretha ( moral and virtuous )
ariana ( holy one )
athena ( mythology name )
aura ( soft breeze )

berenice ( victorious )

calla ( beautiful )
callie ( beautiful )
calliope ( beautiful voice )
calypso ( she who hides )
cassandra ( shining man )
cassia ( cinnamon )
cassiopeia ( mythology name )
catherine ( pure )
chloe ( young green shoot )
christina ( a christian )
circe ( bird )
cleo ( glory )
cora ( maiden )
cressida ( gold )
cynthia ( moon goddess )
cyra ( lord )

danae ( bright )
daphne ( laurel tree )
delia ( born on delos )
delphine ( dolphin )
demi ( half )
dorothea ( gift of God )
dorothy ( gift of God )

elara ( mythology name )
eleanor ( shining light )
elena ( bright )
ella ( beautiful )
evangeline ( bearer of good news )

gaia ( earth mother )
georgia ( farmer )

harmony ( word name )
helen ( bright )
helena ( bright )
hermione ( messenger )
hera ( heroine )

ida ( hardworking )
ione ( violet-colored stone )
irene ( peace )
iris ( rainbow )
isadora ( gift of isis )

jacinta ( beautiful )
jocelyn ( member of gauts tribe )

katherine ( pure )
khloe ( flourishing )
kora ( maiden )

lexi ( defending men )
lois ( superior )
lydia ( woman from lydia )

maia/maya ( mother )
margaret ( pearl )
melanie ( dark )
melissa ( honeybee )
melody ( song )

nicole ( triumphant )

olympia ( heavenly )
ophelia ( help )

pandora ( all gifted )
penelope ( weaver )
persephone ( mythology name )
petra ( rock )
phoebe ( radiant )

rhea ( flowing stream )
rue ( regret )

sapphire ( blue )
selene ( moon goddess )
sofia/sophia ( wisdom )
stephanie ( crown )
sybil ( prophetess )

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