⤷ swahili

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swahili names
( meaning )


adhra ( apology )
adila ( honesty )
afiya ( health )
aisha ( prosperous )
amina ( trustworthy )
anya ( gracious )
aponi ( butterfly )
asha ( life )
ashia ( life )
ayan ( bright )
aziza ( baby is gorgeous )

bahati ( fortune is good )
bahiya ( beautiful )
buhle ( beauty )

chauski ( born at night )

dalila ( gentleness in her soul )
deka ( one to satisfy )
doli ( beautiful like a doll )

fujo ( wholeness )

gamila ( gorgeous )
gulai ( born during rains )

habiba ( beloved )
haifa ( beautiful being )
hiba ( gift from God )

ibby ( beautiful )
imara ( resolute )

jaha ( good )
jamani ( friend )
jemila ( beautiful )

kali ( intense )
kamara ( as beautiful as moonlight )
karolina ( tiny and feminine )
kasha ( pure )
keva ( beautiful child )
koshi ( beautiful flower )
kuamsha ( awaken )

lulu ( as beautiful as a pearl )

muga ( mother of all )
musu ( beautiful baby )
mzuzi ( inventive )

nadira ( rare )
najuma ( raining )
ngina ( one who serves )
nia ( resolve )

oyana ( uplift )

pili ( second child )
pua ( flower )

rhamah ( my sweetness )

shamfa ( sunshine )
sune ( beautiful angel )

wub ( with gorgeous features )

zahra ( lovely )
zainabu ( beautiful )
zuri ( beautiful )


achak ( spirit )
alimayu ( God is honored )
ato ( brilliant )
ayele ( powerful )

baraka ( blessing )
bomani ( mighty soldier )

cacnja ( medicine priest )

damik ( he who is from earth )
daudi ( beloved )
dedan ( loves the city )

haki ( truth )

idi ( born during the season of idi )

jelani ( strong and powerful )
jojo ( storyteller )

karanja ( guide )
kenyatta ( musician )
kobe ( tortoise )

macharia ( eternal friend )
mbiyu ( one who runs fast )
mwando ( efficient worker )

njonjo ( disciplined )

odai ( third son )
oding ( artist )

sentwaki ( courageous )
simba ( lion )

tumaini ( hope )

yusufu ( charmer )

zahoor ( blossom )


imani ( faith )

kai ( from the sea )
kamari ( moonlight )

nuru ( light )

omari ( flourishing )

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