⤷ the capitol

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the capitol names
( origin, meaning )


aeliana ( latin, sun )
antonia ( latin, priceless one )
apollina ( greek, god of the sun )
avita ( latin, life )

charis ( greek, grace )
claudia ( roman, enclosure )
corinna ( greek, maiden )

decima ( latin, tenth )
drusilla ( greek, fruitful )

eirene ( greek, peace )
eudoxia ( greek, good deeds )
eugenia ( greek, wellborn )
eulalia ( greek, sweetly speaking )
euphemia ( greek, fair speech )
eupraxia ( greek, good conduct )

faustina ( latin, fortunate )
flavia ( latin, golden )
florentina ( latin, blooming )
fortunata ( spanish, luck/wealth )

helene ( greek, bright, shining one )
hilaria ( latin, cheerful )

irenaeus ( greek, peace )
isidora ( greek, gift of isis )
isidore ( greek, gift of isis )

junia ( latin, born in june )

kallisto ( greek, most beautiful )

laurentia ( latin, from laurentum )
lucretia ( latin, wealth )

quintia ( latin, fifth )

septima ( latin, seventh )
syntyche ( greek, common fate )

tanaquil ( etruscan, gift of God )
tertia ( latin, third )
thais ( greek, beloved )
theodosia ( greek, giving to God )
theophania ( greek, of divine manifestation )
theophila ( greek, friend of God )
tullia ( roman, peaceful )

xanthippe ( greek, yellow horse )
xenia ( greek, hospitable )


aesop ( greek )
anatole ( greek, rising sun )
atticus ( latin, from attica )

cassius ( latin, hollow )
cornelius ( latin, horn )
cosmas ( greek, order/beauty )
cosmo ( greek, order/beauty )
crispus ( latin, curly-haired )
cyprian ( greek, man of cyprus )

decimus ( latin, tenth )
diogenes ( greek, philosopher )
dion ( greek, child of heaven and earth )
dionysus ( greek, god of wine )
dorian ( greek, tribe )
draco ( greek, dragon )

erastus ( greek, beloved )
eugene ( greek, wellborn )

felix ( latin, fortunate )

galen ( greek, healer )

hermes ( greek, messenger god )
hieronymus ( greek, sacred name )

myron ( greek, fragrant )

nestor ( greek, voyager )

octavius ( latin, eighth )

pericles ( greek, far-famed )
philemon ( greek, kiss )
philo ( greek, loving )
prometheus ( greek, foresight )

quintus ( latin, fifth )

remus ( latin )
romulus ( latin, citizen of rome )

septimus ( latin, seventh )
socrates ( greek, uncertain derivation )
solon ( greek, wise one )

theophilius ( greek, friend of God )
tryphon ( greek, delicacy )

xanthos ( greek, golden-haired )

zenobios ( greek, life of zeus )

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