⤷ inuit

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inuit names
( meaning )


ahnah ( wise woman )
akna ( fertility and childbirth )
alasie ( she who is honest and honorable )
amka ( friendly spirit )
anjij ( grace )
aqakuktuq ( fish catcher )
arnaaluk ( spirit of the woman under the sea )
arnakuagsuk ( old woman from the sea )
arnapkapfaaluk ( inspires fear in the hearts of hunters )
arnaq ( woman )
asiaq ( good weather )
ataksak ( ruler of the sky )
atiqtalik ( polar bear mother )

elisapee ( God is my oath )
elisapie ( God is my oath )

hitty ( hyena )

isapoinhkyaki ( singing crow woman )

jissika ( rich )

kireama ( hill )
kirima ( hill )

meriwa ( thorn )

nuliajuk ( woman with a fin )
nuvua ( character name )

tanaraq ( tundra's granddaughter )
tapeesa ( arctic flower )
ticasuk ( possessing treasure of knowledge )

uki ( survivor )


amaqjauq ( strong one )

dohasan ( little bluff )

inuksuk ( on the right path )

kumaglak ( literary name )

nootaikok ( icebergs )

pana ( cares for souls in underworld before their reincarnation )
panuk ( island )
pilip ( lover of horses )

silla ( sky )

tekkeitsertok ( master of hunting caribou )
tiguaak ( adopted child )
toklo ( spontaneous and versatile )
tonraq ( tiny man )
torngarsuk ( powerful sky god )
tulimaq ( rib )
tulok ( warrior )
tulugaak ( creator of light )

ujurak ( rock )

yoskolo ( breaking off sugar-pine cones )
yotimo ( yellow jacket used for carrying meat from the house to the nest )
yutu ( claw )


adlartok ( clear sky )
alornerk ( under-feet )
amaruq ( grey wolf )
aput ( snow )
atiqtalaaq ( polar bear cub )

cupun ( coal )

ikiaq ( red spruce )

kallick ( lightning )
kanaaq ( lower part of the leg )

nanouk ( polar bear )
nanurjuk ( star )
nukilik ( strong )
nuniq ( polar bear )

qimmiq ( dog )

siqniq ( sun )

taqtu ( kidney )
tehoronianhen ( covered in clouds )
tootega ( can walk on water )
tukkuttok ( he who is generous )
tulimak ( rib )

umiaktorvik ( river )
uukkarnit ( calved ice )

yuka ( bright star )
yura ( one who is beautiful )

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