⤷ district four

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district four ( fishing ) names
( origin, meaning )


ama ( african/cherokee, born on a saturday/water )
anahita ( persian, river and water goddess )
araluen ( australian aboriginal, place of the water lilies )
avonlea ( canadian, river by the field )

beverly ( english, dweller near the beaver stream )

calamari ( italian, squid )
cherith ( hebrew, winter stream )
clodagh ( irish, clodagh river )
coral ( english, marine invertebrate )
cordelia ( celtic, daughter of the sea )

delta ( english, triangle tract of sediment at foot of a river )
doris ( greek, gift of the ocean )
dwyn ( welsh, wave )

euna ( cherokee, waterfall )
eyre ( norse, gravel bank river )

gal ( hebrew, wave )
ginevra ( italian, white wave )
guadalupe ( spanish, hidden river )
guinevere ( welsh, white wave )
gwenore ( welsh, white wave )

ila ( french, from the island )
india ( english, indus river )
indra ( sanskrit/hindi, possessing drops of rain/god of sky and rain )
indre ( french, indre river )
isla ( spanish, island )
islet ( english )

jora ( hebrew, autumn rain )

kairi ( japanese, sea )

loire ( french, loire river )
lynn ( welsh, lake )

mar ( latin, sea )
manta ( spanish/portuguese, blanket )
maren ( latin, sea )
marian ( french, drop of the sea/bitter )
mariam ( arabic, drop of the sea/bitter )
marilla ( latin, shining sea )
marina ( italian/spanish, specifically designed harbor for small boats )
mary ( hebrew, drop of the sea/bitter )
maya ( hebrew, water )
mayim ( hebrew, water )
meara ( irish, lake )
mira ( sanskrit, ocean )
misty ( english, mist )
moana ( māori/samoan, deep ocean/sea )
mojarra ( spanish, fish )
mollie/molly ( hebrew, drop of the sea/bitter )
morwenna ( welsh, waves of the sea )

nahla ( arabic, drink of water )
nebula ( latin, mist )
nereida ( greek, sea nymph )
nerida ( greek, mermaid )
neri ( greek, ocean spirit )
nimue ( celtic, lady of the lake )
nixie ( german, water nymph )
noelani ( hawaiian, heavenly mist )
nori ( japanese, doctrine/seaweed )

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