⤷ moroccan

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moroccan names
( meaning )


adilah ( honest )
aicha ( sustenance )
alia ( honor )
amina ( faithful )
amira ( ruler )
anisa ( good )
asmaa ( supreme )
ayat ( verses of the holy quran )
aziza ( precious )

buchra ( good omen )

chaima ( one who has a beauty spot )

faiza ( victorious )
farah ( happiness )
farida ( unique )
fatiha ( conqueror )
fatima ( prophet's daughter )

ghislaine ( gazelle )

habiba ( beloved )

jamila ( beautiful )

khadijah ( respected )
khalida ( immortal )

latifa ( gentle )
layla ( night )

meryem ( drop of the sea )
mona ( desired )

nadia ( hope )
nahla ( glass of water )
naima ( likable )
nora ( light )
nour ( light )

rabia ( spring )
rachida ( one who is guided in the right direction )
rihanna ( fragrant and sweet basil flower )

sabrina ( endurance )
saeeda ( fortunate )
safaa ( purity )
salima ( healthy )
samira ( companion )
sara ( happy )
soraya ( jewel )

yasmine ( jasmine flower )

zara ( flower )
zaynab ( fragrant flower )


aamir ( ruler )
abbas ( lion )
abdel ( servant )
abdellah ( slave of God )
adil ( just )
ahmed ( praiseworthy )
akbar ( the greatest )
amine ( trustworthy )
anas ( friendly and affectionate )
aryn ( messenger )
ayoub ( returning to God )

bilal ( full moon )
brahim ( full of multitudes )

driss ( smart )

emir ( commander )

hachim ( judicious )
hamza ( lion )
hassan ( handsome )

ilyas ( prophet )
ismail ( God will hear )
issam ( bond )

jamal ( handsome )

kadin ( companion )
kareem ( noble )
khalid ( immortal )

maleek ( God's angel )
mahdi ( rightly guided )
mohamed ( prophet )
mustafa ( chosen one )

nabil ( highborn )
nadim ( good friend )

omar ( flourishing )
osman ( black )

rachid ( guide )
rafiq ( companion )
rahim ( merciful )

said ( happy )
samir ( breeze )
suleiman ( peace )

younness ( dolphin )
yousef ( God increases )

zakariah ( God has remembered )


ali ( champion )
asfa ( sunburned )

badr ( full moon )
barakah ( blessing )
barkat ( blessing )

dawlah ( happiness )

gamal ( camel )
gohar ( precious stone )

hanin ( emotion )
hareem ( respectable )

ikram ( hospitablity )
iman ( faith )

khair ( blessing )
khairat ( blessing )
khurshid ( shining sun )

minnah ( blessings and kindness )

najah ( success )
nazakat ( delicacy )

rosheen ( rose )

ula ( glory )

sabahat ( grace )

taisir ( to make easy )

wadi ( calm )

yakta ( unique )

zayb ( beauty )

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