⤷ danish

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danish names
( meaning )


aaliyah ( rising )
abbie ( joy of the father )
agnes ( holy )
alba ( white )
alma ( apple )
andrea ( brave )
angelika ( angel )
annegrete ( God is gracious )
asta ( divine strength )
astrid ( godly strength )
aya ( bird )

bina ( understanding )

caisa ( clear )
caroline ( son of happiness )
celina ( heaven )
clara ( bright )

ella ( fairy maiden )
ellen ( bright )
emily ( industrious )
emma ( whole )
esther ( star )

filippa ( lover of horses )
freja ( noblewoman )
frida ( beloved )

ida ( work )
isabella ( pledged to God )

johanne ( God is gracious )
josefine ( God will increase )
julie ( youthful )

karla ( strength )

lærke ( lark )
laura ( bay laurel plant )
lea ( meadow )
lily ( passion )
liv ( protection )

maja ( splendid )
marie ( lady of the sea )
mathilde ( mighty in battle )
merethe ( pearl )
mille ( ambitious )

naja ( boy's younger sister )
nanna ( daring )
nora ( honor )

olivia ( olive )

rosa ( rose )

sara ( princess )
signe ( new victory )
sofia ( wisdom )

victoria ( famous bearer )
vigga ( battle )


aksel ( father of peace )
albert ( bright )
amberson ( power )
anton ( flower )
arne ( eagle )
arthur ( noble )
asbjörn ( divine bear )
asger ( spear of God )
august ( esteemed )

balduin ( farmer )
benjamin ( son of the south )
beorhtel ( he who shines with a bright light )
bjorn ( bear )
brede ( glacier )

carl ( free man )
christoffer ( he who holds Christ in his heart )

dedric ( people's ruler )
dierk ( ruler of the people )

elias ( God the Lord )
elliot ( God is Jehovah )
emil ( trying to excel )

felix ( lucky )
frederik ( peaceful ruler )

gamel ( old )
gyrth ( to grid with the sword )

haki ( justice )
harald ( army leader )
heimericus ( one who is part of a tribe )
heimo ( home )

jakob ( supplanting )
johan ( God is gracious )
jozef ( he will add )

knud ( knot )

lauge ( fellow )
lauritz ( laurel )
liam ( protector )
lucas ( light )

mads ( master's gift )
magnus ( great )
malthe ( power )
mathias ( gift of God )
mikkel ( gift from God )
milas ( soldier )

noah ( comfort )
nohr ( narrow )

orn ( eagle )

rikke ( peaceful ruler )

viggo ( battle )
villads ( desiring battle )

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