⤷ 1930s

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1930s names
( origin, meaning )


alice ( german, noble )
ann ( english, grace )
anna ( hebrew, grace )
annie ( english, grace )

barbara ( latin, foreign woman )
betty ( hebrew, pledged to God )
beverly ( english, dweller near the beaver stream )

carol ( english, free man )
carolyn ( english, free man )
catherine ( greek, pure )

dolores ( spanish, lady of sorrows )
donna ( italian, lady )
dorothy ( english, gift of God )

elaine ( french/scottish, shining light )
eleanor ( english, shining light )
elizabeth ( hebrew, pledged to God )
evelyn ( french, desired )

frances ( english, from france )

geraldine ( german/french, ruler with the spear )
gloria ( latin, glory )

helen ( greek, shining light )

irene ( greek, peace )

jane ( english, God is gracious )
janet ( english, God's gracious gift )
janice ( english, God's gracious gift )
jean ( english/scottish, God is gracious )
joan ( english, God is gracious )
joyce ( latin, joyous )
judith ( hebrew, woman from judea )

louise ( french, renowned warrior )

margaret ( greek, pearl )
marie ( french, drop of the sea/bitter/beloved )
marilyn ( english, drop of the sea/bitter/beloved )
marjorie ( scottish, pearl )
martha ( aramaic, lady )
mary ( hebrew/egyptian, drop of the sea/bitter/beloved )
mildred ( english, gentle strength )

nancy ( english, grace )
norma ( english/latin, from north/pattern )

patricia ( noble )
peggy ( english, pearl )
phyllis ( greek, green bough )

rose ( latin, rose )
ruby ( latin, deep red precious stone )
ruth ( hebrew, compassionate friend )

sandra ( greek, defending men )
shirley ( english, bright meadow )

virginia ( latin, pure )

wanda ( slavic/german, shepherdess/wanderer )


albert ( german, noble )
anthony ( latin, from antium )
arthur ( celtic, bear )

billy ( english, resolute protection )
bobby ( english, bright fame )

carl ( german, free man )
charles ( french, free man )
clarence ( latin, bright )

daniel ( hebrew, God is my judge )
david ( hebrew, beloved )
donald ( scottish, proud chief )

earl ( english, aristocrat )
edward ( english, wealthy guardian )
eugene ( greek, well born )

francis ( latin, free man )
frank ( english, free man )
fred ( german, wise counselor )

gary ( english, spearman )
george ( greek, farmer )
gerald ( english/irish, ruler with the spear )

harold ( scandinavian, army ruler )
harry ( english, estate ruler )
henry ( german, estate ruler )
howard ( german/english, high guardian/brave heart )

jack ( english, God is gracious )
james ( hebrew, supplanter )
jerry ( english, ruler with the spear )
john ( hebrew, God is gracious )
joseph ( hebrew, Jehovah increases )

kenneth ( scottish/irish, born of fire/handsome )

larry ( english, from laurentium )
lawrence ( latin, from laurentium )
louis ( german/french, renowned warrior )

marvin ( english/scottish, counsel protector )
michael ( hebrew, who is like God? )

norman ( english, northerner )

paul ( latin, small )

ralph ( english, wolf counsel )
raymond ( german, wise protector )
richard ( german, dominant ruler )
robert ( english, bright fame )
roger ( german, famous warrior )
ronald ( norse, ruler's counselor )
roy ( french/celtic, king/red-haired )

thomas ( aramaic, twin )

walter ( german, army ruler )
wayne ( english, maker of wagons )
william ( german, resolute protection )

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