⤷ district six

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district six ( transportation ) names
( origin, meaning )


auta ( english, automobile )

portia ( latin, doorway )

wendy ( german, variation of wendell )


aero ( greek, of the air )
asphalt ( french, material used for surfacing roads )
auto ( english, automobile )
autos ( greek, self )
axle ( norse, rod passing through group of wheels )

fender ( american, area around wheel of a vehicle )

jet ( french, aircraft )

loco ( english/spanish, locomotive )

metro ( french, subway system )
motor ( latin, machine that supplies power to a vehicle )

otto ( german, wealth/"auto" )

porcius ( latin, doorway )

steer ( germanic, control movement of a vehicle )

tank ( english, chamber for gas )
turbo ( english, turbine )

wendell ( german, to travel )


ace ( latin, unity )
accel ( latin, accelerate )

engin ( french, device )

gage ( french, variation of gauge )

pilot ( french, person who operates aircraft )

rivet ( french, short metal pin holding together two metal plates )

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