⤷ swedish

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swedish names
( meaning )


agnes ( pure )
alice ( noble )
alma ( soul )
annika ( grace )
arla ( early )
astrid ( divinely beautiful )

clara ( beautiful )

elsa ( pledged to God )
elvira ( fair )
emma ( universal )

freja ( lady )

greta ( pearl )

leah ( weary )
lilly ( flower )
linnea ( twinflower )
lovisa ( renowned warrior )

maja ( splendid )
matilda ( battle-mighty )
mila ( gracious )
molly ( better )

nellie ( sun ray )
nova ( new )

olivia ( olive tree )

tuva ( tuft of grass )
tyra ( beautiful )

vera ( faith )

wilma ( resolute protection )


adrian ( man of adria )
alfred ( wise counselor )
aron ( exalted )
august ( great )

bjorn ( bear )

casper ( bringer of treasure )
colin ( pup )

edvin ( wealthy friend )
elliot ( Jehovah is God )

gabriel ( God is my strength )
gustav ( royal staff )

harry ( estate ruler )
hjalmer ( army helmet )
hugo ( intellect )

isak ( laughter )

jack ( God is gracious )
josef ( Jehovah increases )

levi ( attached )
louie ( renowned warrior )

max ( greatest )
melker ( city of the king )

noah ( rest )
noel ( christmas )

otis ( wealthy )

theodor ( gift of God )

vide ( willow )

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