⤷ romanian

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romanian names
( meaning )


agrapina ( born feet first )
agripina ( born feet first )
alexandra ( defender of men )
alexandreina ( defender of men )
ana ( satisfying )
andrada ( man )
andreea ( defender of men )
angelika ( angel )
anicuta ( God is gracious )
antanasia ( immortal )
antonia ( praiseworthy )
arsenie ( virile )

byni ( sabine )

catina ( chaste )
cici ( one burn at daybreak )
cipriana ( woman from cyprus )
crina ( lily flower )

daciana ( full of strength )
daria ( trustworthy )
dol ( gift of God )
dorotthea ( gift of God )
dumitra ( from demeter )

elena ( bright )
elenuta ( bright )
elisabeta ( God is my oath )
enrieta ( state ruler )

fiora ( blossomed flower )
fisseha ( blissfulness )
fitrat ( inherent temperament )
francise ( free man )

gabriela ( God is my strength )
georgeta ( farmer )

ivona ( gift from God )
izabela ( devoted to God )

joanna ( Yahweh is gracious )

lacrima ( tear )
lenuta ( mild-natured woman )
luminita ( little light )

maricara ( sea of bitterness )
maria ( bitter )
marioara ( wished-for child )
minodora ( gift )

nicoleta ( winner of the nation )

oana ( light full of charm )
odeta ( blue sea )

petronela ( rock )

relia ( gold )
rodica ( fertile )
romanitza ( from rome )
ruxandra ( bright )

shimeka ( beautiful princess )
silviana ( woman of the woods )
simona ( woman who listens )
sofia ( wisdom )
soreana ( strict and stern )
sorina ( sunlike woman )
starlene ( star )
stefana ( crown )

tait ( one who brings joy )
talyssa ( consecrated to God )
tassa ( born on christmas )
trandafira ( rose bush )
tyne ( river )

uldwyna ( special friend )
una ( one )
ursule ( little bear cub )

vanda ( warrior )
velouette ( soft-spoken woman )
viorica ( tranquil leader )
viviana ( full of life )
voctorita ( victory )

wanetta ( pale and fair woman )

yessenia ( flower )
yetta ( generous woman )
ylenia ( light )

zandra ( defender of men )
zelma ( protected by God )
zenobia ( life of zeus )
zenovia ( life of zeus )
zerenity ( calm )
zina ( hospitable woman )


alexandru ( defender of men )
anatoile ( one from the east )
andrei ( valiant )
anghel ( angel )
atanase ( immortal )
avram ( father of multitudes )

benedikte ( blessed )
benedikto ( blessed )
bogdi ( given by God )
boian ( soldier )

caturix ( war )
cristian ( disciple of Christ )
codrin ( of the forest )
corneliu ( horn )
costache ( steadfast )
cristofor ( follower of Christ )

danut ( beloved )
darius ( rich and kind )
david ( beloved friend )
decebal ( strong )
dela ( manly )
denis ( greek god of wine )
dinu ( greek god of wine )
dionisie ( greek god of wine )
dorin ( tender-hearted )
dracul ( dragon )
dumitru ( silversmith )

ferka ( frenchman )
flaviu ( golden-haired )
florin ( flower )

gabriel ( God is my strength )
garridan ( one who keeps secrets to himself )
geofri ( peaceful ruler )

iancu ( Yahweh is gracious )
ionut ( God is gracious )

ladinas ( warrior chief )
liviu ( man who envies others )
luca ( place name )

marku ( of the sea )
mihai ( there is none like the great God )
mihas ( who is like God )
mircea ( one who brings peace )
mitica ( follower of demeter )

nelu ( God is gracious )

omor ( one who attempts killing act )

radut ( happy )
razvan ( one who brings good news )

serban ( from serbia )
sergiu ( sergeant )
simion ( to listen )
sorin ( he is like the sun )
stefan ( crown )

timotei ( person who honors God )
toma ( twin )

uta ( man who prospers in battle )

valeriu ( to be strong )
vali ( strong )
varujan ( bird of prey )
vasile ( king )
vasilica ( king )
vilhelm ( resolute defender )
viorel ( bluebell flower )
vlad ( rule )

wadim ( knowing one )

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