¤Chapter 30¤

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¤Chapter Thirty¤

I stared blankly at the large projection on the board in front of the classroom. We were watching a documentary on World War II and every now and then the narrator would say something somber then the screen would switch to fuzzy images of explosions and pure chaos. I'm supposed to be taking notes since we'll be having a test on this next class but there is so much to think about my brain has given up on 'learning' completely.

First, there's the situation with Todd being back in town. I'm not afraid of him but the fact that he's back where it all started makes me uneasy. Then, we have that tip from Jace that I'm being watched by someone —it's still playing on repeat in my mind. 

I now have a suspicion of Owen's parents being that couple that's a bit too 'normal' but if they had any ill intentions towards me I would have noticed. The way I see it they seem to be focused on two things, my —fake— relationship with Owen, and watching over him for whatever reason.

My brows furrowed as I reviewed everything I know so far. Let's see, the dad does some kind of  job where he leaves town for months sometimes and the mom potentially builds things. If I had to chose, I'd keep a closer eye on Chris but that's hard to do when he randomly leaves town for work.

I wish Jace would've just told me everything completely but I understand that there's people watching and it's risky to be too obvious. He knew if he said the right thing, I would figure it out eventually. When did my life become even more complex than it was before? My ex has people stalking me in secret, I now have to be suspicious of everyone, and there's some big plan that involves hurting or capturing me somehow so I have to stay vigilant.

To make things worse, now that I'm a lot closer to Owen, he's in danger too but he might've been in danger all along since he was purposefully sheltered by his parents growing up. Todd is crazy but I wonder if Jace was just being extra cautious. There's no way he'd do something extreme... right?

"Madi" A cold hand grabbed my arm, startling me.

"Huh, what?" I blinked until my vision focused on the figure sitting in the desk next to me.

"Are you okay?" Amy's voice was laced with concern.

"Yeah, fine." I nodded but from the concerned look she gave me I'm not sure she's convinced.

She snorted. "Right, because people who are 'fine' just zone out in the middle of class when they know we'll be tested later"

"Sorry mom" I muttered sarcastically, putting emphasis on the last word to prove my point.

A frown plays on her lips. "Madi I thought you would only be like this for a day." A boy behind her told her to shush and she flicked him off. A trait she picked up from me no doubt. "Yesterday when you left with Owen I thought—"

"He'd kiss it better?" I rose a brow, interrupting her sentence.

Her curls swayed as she leaned closer to me, happy I'm at least communicating today. "Did he?"

I picked up my pen and looked straight ahead. "I need to take notes."

"OMG you guys made out!" She squealed then covered her mouth but the damage was already done. Everyone in class turned to look at me and I'm not even the one who said it.

I let my forehead hit the desk with a light thump. 

"Are you guys done with your conversation or should I let you continue it in the principal's office?" The substitute teacher said in a bored tone. He looked fresh out of college and completely disinterested in the class but still wanted to act like an authoritative figure so the students would take him seriously. As if anyone could do that when he had his dirt stained shoes propped up on our germophobic teacher's desk.

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