¤Chapter 40¤

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¤Chapter Forty¤

How did things all turn to shit so fast?

Where did I go wrong and what did I miss? My mind buzzes as I accept the mug of warm tea from Todd. After he dragged me out of the room full of dead and unconscious bodies he sent Brendon out to grab his vehicle. I was right to be suspicious earlier, they parked behind the hotel. I was too focused on reminiscing in the past to realize I should probably check that area before I got to the beach house.

Maybe things would have been different.

Maybe I would have spotted Todd hiding in his car, listening in as Brendon tried to choke Jace inside. Even better, if I had left as soon as Angie came crying to me and not went home to change like some kind of diva —maybe I would have caught Todd as he was beating Owen to a pulp in the parking lot. I could have stopped all of this. If only—

A heavy hand reaches down to touch my head. "Aw, don't beat yourself up too much. This was all months in the making, I outsmarted you. "

I sip the tea gingerly. If I didn't have two lives on my hands I would've tossed it in his face as soon as he gave it to me. But I've surrendered because this is all I can do at this point.

"How far back are we talking?" I ask. Todd enjoys talking about his achievements and pulling one over on me seems to be his biggest yet.

"Ever since the traitor introduced himself to you," He sits next to me around the kitchen island. "He was supposed to approach you later but I let it slide since he reported you had already made plans to meet again."

I don't respond. Instead, I run a finger along the rim of my cup. He smiles and continues, "I remember being irritated because my sources told me you barely even talked to guys but all of a sudden I sent Jace in and you're in love"

"I'm not in love with Jace." I mutter, irritated to be having this conversation.

"Then," He keeps going despite my statement, balling his hands into tight fists. "All of a sudden the bastard stopped calling me. He didn't even answer my calls. I got suspicious."

"So you found Brendon?" I glance at his dark pupils.

He shrugs. "I visited him in the hospital, teased him then told him who I was. After that, he was overly eager to get back at you in any way."

"Of course he was." I nod. Apparently Brendon texted Owen after I called Todd as a dare. Owen always wanted to talk to him ever since the incident so when he got the invitation to chat, he willingly accepted it. I thought he was acting strange but chose not to ask him anything. He stayed by my side until he thought I no longer needed his comfort. He even tried to tell me about it but I brushed him off. I trusted him so much I never questioned anything. "What about Brittney, is she involved too?"

He looks at me curiously before answering. "Tonight she made sure the parking lot was empty at the right moment, told her friends to max the music volume, and texted me when you were about to call. She even voluntarily snapped some images of you —some of which you've seen, some you haven't. As a bonus she hired the guy I stabbed earlier but he's worthless."

"Well she finally got her wish," I push away the remaining tea that did little to help my mood. "She made my life a living hell"

Todd brushes a loose strand of hair behind my ear and leans in close. In a low tone he says, "Lucky for you I'm the devil—" A hand slides down my back. "So as long as you're with me, you'll be safe. Just like old times."

I shiver at his sudden closeness, mere inches from my face. His strong scent is overpowering and suffocating. It makes me uncomfortable but from the way he's smiling, I can tell he thinks my reaction is a sign of affection instead of disgust. His fingers trace the outline of my lips as he leans in even closer, slowly closing the remaining gap between us.

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