¤Chapter 6¤

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DISCLAIMER: Things are going to get a little vulgar, messy and a tad bit inappropriate (starting from this chapter and on to the next few).

¤Chapter six¤

"So they really ostracized her for sleeping with some dude?" Amy scrunched up her nose.

"Sleeping with?" Angie flipped through a few pages of the book resting in her lap with uncertainty. "I don't know, this was the eighteen hundredths so maybe they like, made love or something, you know?"

Samantha laughed. "Well I think they fucked."

We all gasped.

After talking to Owen, I didn't feel like going to my other classes today but I did anyway and as expected, it was all a blur. One minute I'm sleeping through history and the next I'm lounging in my room with friends, doing homework. Angie sat on the floor with a copy of The Scarlet Letter in her lap, Amy was spinning on the office chair around my desk and Sam laid sprawled out on the bed next to me. They're usually busy with Cheer practice and stuff —which I don't mind— but we always hang out in my room whenever we get the chance. Typically, we try to help each other with homework and occasionally we swerve so far off topic, any hope for completing the assignments are lost.

Like right now.

"Why?" I shouldn't encourage her, but I do anyway.

She lifted her legs so they were both pointing at the ceiling before turning to look at me. "Well just because they're old Madi doesn't mean they can't—"

"Actually," Amy interjected. "They're not old. The book itself was written in 1850 but the characters were young and will always be young because they're timeless. I think Mrs. Matthews said something like that in class today"

"Okay," Sam rolled her eyes at Amy's rambling. "Well, just because they live in the 1800s doesn't mean they can't...perform"

I shake my head. "I don't think it has anything to do with performance"

Angie bobbed her head in agreement. "Yeah, whether they fucked, made love or slept together —the point is a wife cheated on her husband, and during those times she might as well have been a terrorist"

"But does that justify treating her like shit?" Amy tapped her highlighter on her knee.

"That's why," Sam sighed, sitting up straight. "I think they fucked."

We all stare blankly at her.

She pouted. "Come on guys think about it; if they were making love or sleeping together it would've been gentle and sweet —perhaps even quiet." She stood up and began thrusting the air. "But if she was holding on to the bed frame and screaming for dear life—"

"Okay!" I grab her arm and pull her back to the bed. "I think we're done talking about this"

Angie covered her mouth to hide her smile. "How do you know they even had bed frames?"

I shot her a look telling her to stop. Of course, she didn't listen. No one did, and pretty soon we were talking about different sexual positions and how verbal some made you. My phone buzzed next to me and I glanced at the screen.


"Who's that?" Amy perked up and the banter stopped.

"No one" I lean back on my pillow.

"It's Owen isn't it?" She grinned.

"It's an email" I spoke to the ceiling.

"Does that email have some killer pecs and a nice ass?" Sam giggled and I threw a pillow at her.

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