¤Chapter 18¤

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¤Chapter Eighteen¤

"No." I spoke firmly into my phone while laying on my soft mattress and staring up at the dark toned ceiling. My blinds are shut so it's just me and whatever shadows that lurk within the darkness present right now. 

Approximately one hour after Owen left and my parents disappeared somewhere my phone rang. Mr. Soft Lips apparently lost his watch and wants to come back to my house so he can look for it. That sounds like a line but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because why would he purposely want to come back here anyway? People tend to avoid me like the plague —most people at least.

"Come on Madi" He groaned on the other line, sounding exasperated. I can almost picture him throwing his head back and pouting. That scares me because the image annoys me when I shouldn't care at all. The fact that we are talking on the phone now makes it even harder for me to figure him out since there's no facial expression for me to read or green-grey eyes to analyze. Besides, after what happened a few hours ago, there's no way I'm letting him into my personal space like that again.

I don't feel bad about what happened because nothing happened. At this point it might as well have been a dream. He reluctantly agreed to forget it and we'll leave it at that. I don't know what's going on between him and his 'girlfriend' and I'm not interested in making it my business considering who she is. It could be because they don't really act like a couple but our...moment didn't feel wrong at all. Either that or I've turned into bitch over the past year —even more so these past few months. Regardless, I can confidently say my conscience is on an extended vacation right now.

"I didn't see a watch on your wrist" I grumbled to the phone pressed against my ear. My sour mood did nothing to sever the extra brightness in his voice to my dismay. Honestly, I don't remember really looking at his hands much. The old me would have remembered every single detail about him; she might even try to buy him a new pair. However, present me feels confused and ruthlessly provoked. 

"Okay fine," He finally conceded. "But you have to at least answer one of my questions"

"No." My sharp response came almost immediately. I don't play games like that anymore and the captivating lure in his voice reminded me of someone less pleasant.

"Hey!" He yelled playfully in an attempt to appeal to my compassionate side. "That watch was a family heirloom"

That pout appeared in my imagination again. His quiff styled hair was perfect as usual —not a strand out of place. A small wrinkle took shape between his brows and his bottom lip stuck out with a sulk. His eyes looked more green and illuminated. A small part of me slowly began to wish that image was— 

"Okay, one question. One answer." I quickly enunciated each word before my thoughts crossed a bridge I didn't realize I arrived at. There is only one way to get him off my phone and possibly out of my head; answering his stupid question then completely erasing everything from my mind altogether.

His breath hitched before he spoke, "Tell me honestly, did you like my kiss?" The pure curiosity of his question was evident but there was something else within his voice that I couldn't pick up on. This is not a surprise of course —it's just irritating. Did I like it? I barley want to acknowledge it happened! But if I were to think about how I felt in that moment...

My heart clenched.

"I...I'm hanging up" I gasped, the surprise in my voice so obvious even he heard it. It wasn't until I started speaking that I realized I really didn't know what to say. Normally I would deny it and probably swear at him but for some reason, I can't do that. Not now. The words I hated every second of it remained lodged in the back of my throat, fighting against my body's defensive mechanism to push people away when they begin getting too close. 

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