¤Chapter 35¤

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¤Chapter Thirty-five¤

"Can you guys believe we're more than halfway through the school year already?" Amy gushed, stepping out of my closet in a pair of shorts and a long sleeved top.

 The celebratory bonfire fire will take place on a beach so it's bound to get windy. That's why she decided to compromise; short pants and long shirt. I still don't know why I've agreed to go but only one third of the school was invited so at least there will be less incidents. Or none at all.

"Six months down, four to go, yay." My lack of enthusiasm resulted in a stern look from Sam that said, you're going even if we have to drag you there.

The girls seem to worry about me less now that I'm with Owen but they're still hesitant to go to certain events without me. They want me to feel included —even when I don't want to be. Apparently after my relationship became official, Derek Smith decided I must not be that bad of a person and asked Angie to be his date for this event. I forced her to go ahead of us because it's obvious she has a crush on him. Plus, her going with Derek means there's one less person to nag me before we arrive.

"I kind of agree with Madi a little bit," Amy admitted. "I mean, why didn't Brittney do this a couple months earlier after we took our midterms —why now when we should be prepping for finals?"

"I don't think she cares much about timelines," Sam shrugged, applying mascara to her lashes. "Her last party was before exams as well"

"Maybe she's trying to cheer us up?" Amy suggested, earning a unanimous snort from me and Sam. The only person she cares to 'cheer up' is herself. People mostly go to her parties for the free booze. 

"It doesn't matter now, let's just get this over with" I got up from my bed and glanced in the mirror.

 I had on a pair of faux leather leggings, sleeveless crop top paired with a biker jacket, and my favorite combat boots. Everything was black —although the boots had some silver accents that matched my jacket. With Sam's help my hair was up in a smooth ponytail. She let my red streaks hang in the front and curled them along with the ponytail. It looked like I was going to a rock concert, not a camp fire where a bunch of teens plan on drinking, dancing, and playing party games.

Unlike Amy, Sam wore a form fitting red dress. It actuated her curves and worked with her makeup to bring attention to her grey eyes and strawberry blond hair. They grabbed their purses and I picked up my phone and keys before heading downstairs. My parents were in front of the couch watching TV —truly a rare sight.

"You girls ready for the party?" Dad asked when we made it to the front door.

"Yes, sir" Sam saluted then added, "Don't worry we'll look after Madi"

"Thank you ladies" Mom smiled sweetly at them before acknowledging me. "Curfew's midnight tonight, okay?"

I nodded. "Trust me, I won't be staying out that late"

They chuckled and kissed my cheek in goodbye. I wanted to comment on them being home but my friends dragged me out the door before I could even form the words. This morning we had breakfast together as per usual then I left for school. When I got home, they were at work. Normally I wouldn't really see them until breakfast the next day. Maybe it's just one of those lucky days?

I watched Sam and Amy drive off together then paused for a moment as a thought crossed my mind. Could my parents be the ones in Jace's hint? He never specified that it was just one couple, there could be a dozen of them for all I know.

 I shook my head, Owen's parents are way more suspicious. And what about Brittney? I barely saw her parents when we were friends for years. I can't think about this tonight. It's not important right now and I can't let myself get distracted. An image of what happened the last time I went to a party flashed within my memory and my hands balled into tight fists.

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