¤Chapter 29¤

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¤Chapter Twenty-nine¤

I'm warm.

So warm. 

Too warm. 

My head turned lazily and the fresh scent of an open field on a calm summer day filled my nostrils. I knew what it was immediately but instead of wondering why its here, I kept my eyes closed for a moment longer, allowing myself to bask in the brief moment of serenity that washed over me. A feeling I wished would last a lifetime. 

This is nice, I  thought snuggling closer to the firm body against me. Finally, my eyes fluttered open and the radiant glow made me recoil back like a vampire in the sun. It looked like the green walls around me sparkled even though the blinds were closed.

 I vaguely wondered why I decided on painting my room such an annoying color but my brain was too sleepy to think. Instead, my eyed closed again while I focused on the overbearing warmth spreading throughout my entire body.

Wait a minute...

The events of yesterday came rushing in as I looked at the golden boy sleeping soundly on his side next to me. Both arms were wrapped around my waist like I was a teddy bear and not a living, breathing human who could suffocate. One leg was thrown haphazardly over mine, forcing me to remain laying flat on my back.

Although we both shared a pillow, my head was slightly lower than his so I was forced to look up at his sculpted face even while lying down. I fought the urge to shift even closer as I distractedly watched his bare chest expand and compress with each breath.

 His nose had a slight tilt to it that I never noticed before and his dark lashes curled elegantly against his cheek. How can someone look so precious while they sleep? Even worse, how can I think he's precious when he's clinging to me like a baby?

Slowly I lift my hand and placed it against his soft cheek. My mind went blank as my thumb skimmed across his warm skin. I have to force my eyes to look away from his tinted lips and focus on something else. I want to know every part of him but I'm scared of getting too close. He was much safer pretending to be Brittney's boyfriend than mine.

 I continued to stare fondly for a few more minutes before the incoming panic set in. I've never felt this comfortable in what feels like forever. If given a choice to experience this for eternity or move on I would definitely choose this feeling. I would choose being here, with him. Our burdens don't feel so heavy when shared with someone special. Someone you didn't realize was special until it's almost too late. Right now, whatever pain I have feels nullified. That void is filled with something much bigger. Something I don't deserve.

Because I can't avoid the inevitable, because forever doesn't exist, I began to squirm out of his grasp. It was easy to unravel but hard to not wake him while doing so. He rolled on his back with one hand resting above his belly button and a leg bent so his foot touched his knee. He's got the body of an athlete but the sleeping pattern of a child, my eyes scanned his carefree position in disbelief. 

I get a glance of my reflection in the full-length mirror as soon as I climb off the bed. My cheeks are just as flushed as his were yesterday and my hair is a lot crazier than it usually is when I wake up. My eyes widened as I stared at myself in horror, unable to believe the sight before me. This is first time I've blushed in a year and it's because—

"Madi?" A sleepy voice called from behind me.

"Why am I wearing your shirt?" I asked, not turning so he doesn't see my face. The grey shirt he wore yesterday hung on my body like a loose dress. Since he's shirtless that must mean he took it off at some point and gave it to me or he took mine off and...

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