¤Chapter 14¤

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¤Chapter Fourteen¤

My footsteps echoed loudly with each step against the asphalt. I'm not stomping, it's just extremely quiet here and for that I'm thankful. I released a breath into the serene atmosphere. Finally I can be away from everyone —away from him. Just when I thought I had my life figured out he swoops in and makes me forget everything. A part of me feels relieved he hasn't changed a bit. Instead of being fazed by my outburst with Brendon he was worried although he's the last person that needs to be worried about me of all people. I shook my head.

Why the hell am I thinking about Owen right now?

I need to clear my head and come up with a way to ensure people don't try to push their luck like Brendon did. The look I received from everyone as I walked through the crowd can never be erased from my memory —it was as if I transformed into a dragon or something. Nevertheless, fear is good. I want them to be cautions around me, that way no one gets hurt —myself included.

 In order to get to the lake, I have to turn down the street away from the busy intersection my school was built near. Back in the beginning when I used to skip class, after I first became Madi, this was my spot. The silence here has a way of calming me although it's not very useful right now. My mind keeps wandering to a certain unpredictable misty-eyed boy whenever I try to think. 

It's just, we don't know each other very well yet he's able to see right through me. Even worse, apart from his body language I can't read him. This means I don't know if he plans to go left or right, if he plans to run or jump. I find myself focusing all my senses on him and still can't unravel this mystery. 

I'm not sure if I should watch him vigilantly or withdraw.

I took a seat on a nearby bench that overlooked the murky water. The rays from the midday sun bounced off the steady current aimlessly. If I shift to a certain angle, I'll see my reflection. Without looking I can tell a bemused face would stare right back at me. My black hair would glisten from the bright beams of light with my trademark red streaks boldly contrasting the darker strands to remind me of the promise I made to myself; I will no longer be a pushover or weak. Madi is the epitome of confidence and strength, my former self was not. It's been a year since then, but I've come far. I can proudly say I'm no longer a pushover nor am I weak emotionally or mentally —at least when I'm away from Owen.

There he is again, invading my thoughts. My lips curved into a deep frown.

"Does the dark princess need rescuing?" A curious voice sounded from behind the bench I'm resting on. "Are you lost?"

Instead of turning, I waited until the stranger sat next to me. His champagne hair was smoothly slicked back against his scalp, reminding me of the spy movie I watched recently with my friends. His eyes looked obsidian even under the sun's bright glare. If the girls were here I'm sure they would squeal because his appearance is similar to those shirtless models that appears on  the shopping bags of their favorite store at the mall. They never really get much clothes in there but they always try to get at least one item just so they can brandish that bag.

"You look more lost than me actually," I didn't hide my annoyance at the fact that this stranger is ruining my private time. People usually jog here in the morning and visit with their kids in the evening but it's always empty throughout most of the day. "And I have a name."

"Interesting assumption," He chuckled and I noticed a quick gulp from his Adam's apple. "I'm sorry. My name is Jason, but I prefer Jace"

I turn my attention back to the lake, disinterested. A diving duck dips its head underwater and comes back up, fluttering its wings disappointingly because no food was caught. "Good to know."

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