¤Chapter 11¤

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¤Chapter Eleven¤ 


Yes, what I need is distance. That shouldn't be hard. My wayward thoughts provided a distraction as I pulled into my regular parking spot. The usual cars are parked but I don't see that many people outside. There's a big lawn with metal picnic tables that are usually crowded with people talking while drinking their coffees or hastily doing homework that should've been completed the night before. Brittney and the group she hangs out with aren't here blasting music from their cars and being obnoxious as per routine.

This is weird.

Walking up to the entrance, I pulled out my phone so I can text the group chat and find out why this place is so deserted. The door swung open before I could grab the handle and a tall blond guy paused to look at me, flashing a wicked grin before stepping aside for me to go first.

Why do I feel like he just undressed me with his eyes?

Once inside, I turned to watch his retreating back through the glass doors as he walked towards one of the cars parked in the front. Ah, he must be a 'friend' of Brittney's. I watched curiously as he grabbed something from his car and slipped it into his pocket.


>Not saying I like it or anything, but why didn't anyone come greet me this morning??

"Want some more huh?" The blond guy re-entered and the humid air outside —or maybe it's his presence— made me scowl. According to his blue and white jersey, his name is Eric.

"Excuse me?" I looked up from the text I just sent on my phone. My eyes pierced him where he stood, sending enough fear to keep his feet planted.

He gulped. Alarm flashed across his features briefly before he shook his head and squared his shoulders with resolve. "Nothing," His eyes traveled along my body hesitantly. "I just heard Brendon straightened you out last night. Are you planning on—"

"Stop." I took a few steps towards him, careful not to break eye contact. He's taller but not by much. "I suggest you think before you finish the rest of that sentence Eric." I said his name with a snarl, inducing scary promises within the word itself.

His eyes widened fleetingly as one foot moved back with hesitation. He's unsure. Why? I've never had someone think about whether they should push my buttons or run. I tilt my head, studying him with fasciation. Clearly this guy has forgotten who I am. In one day? How is that even possible? The Madi I was yesterday —a stone cold bitch, as the whispers say— is the same Madi as today. So, what changed?

Could it be...

"Do you plan on fucking the whole team?" His words come out harsh but shaky from nerves. "From what I've heard, you're not as tough as you act"

I grit my teeth in order to contain my anger and emotions as I've been taught. His rigid body tells me I must tread lightly. Although he's trying to hide it, anyone can glance at him and tell he's so terrified if I scream 'boo' he just might pee his pants. He's not the main culprit. "Have you spoken to... someone recently?"

Eric brought the foot that moved back forward again so both feet stood parallel to each other and his countenance relaxed completely. His sapphire gaze flashed with confidence, swift but not fast enough. A challenge. He's afraid physically but there's something he knows that can give him the advantage over me. My annoyance flared momentarily as my thoughts wavered, if only I could read a certain someone as easily as him. I folded my arms impatiently, waiting for Eric's response. What does he know?

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