23. Not In Vain-【不枉/Bù Wǎng】

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Not In Vain- 不枉/Bù Wǎng
The Untamed- Group Song
Singer: Naomi Wang
Lyrics: Yi Zhe Lian Xiao Zui Qing He
Composer: Yin Lin


骤雨落 向湖面 滴碎坞中月
Zhòu yǔ luò xiàng húmiàn dī suì wù zhōng yuè

似朝露 似青烟 别时又再见
Shì zhāolù shì qīng yān bié shí yòu zàijiàn

她双眼化作谁的 最后一念
Tā shuāngyǎn huà zuò shéi de zuìhòu yīniàn

血钗落地 岁华前
Xuè chāi luòdì suì huá qián

酒中醒 风里眠 有刀藏诗篇
Jiǔ zhōng xǐng fēng lǐ mián yǒu dāo cáng shīpiān

谁祭血 来洗砚 不负净世远
Shéi jì xuè lái xǐ yàn bù fù jìng shì yuǎn

曾誓言 清谈江湖 情义永结
Céng shìyán qīngtán jiānghú qíngyì yǒng jié

Sǐshēng bùguò yī zūnqián

三五好友齐肩 行来正少年
Sānwǔ hǎoyǒu qí jiān xíng lái zhèng shàonián

射尽妖邪 余生 我即弓上箭
Shè jǐn yāoxié yúshēng wǒ jí gōng shàng jiàn

为一人 入红尘 拨弦声去远
Wéi yīrén rù hóngchén bō xián shēng qù yuǎn

且笑他 轻狂客 同生死也敢言
Qiě xiào tā qīngkuáng kè tóng shēngsǐ yě gǎn yán

笛声落 情未歇 悬河洗我剑
Dí shēng luò qíng wèi xiē xuán hé xǐ wǒ jiàn

此生不忘 羡云天
Cǐshēng bù wàng xiàn yúntiān

有肝胆 映剑端 星霜来照月
Yǒu gāndǎn yìng jiàn duān xīngshuāng lái zhào yuè

再独行 千里雪 寻去当年约
Zài dúxíng qiānlǐ xuě xún qù dāngnián yuē

围炉夜 血污悄将 星灯浇灭
Wéi lú yè xuèwū qiāo jiāng xīng dēng jiāo miè

空城故去 人老却
Kōngchéng gùqù rén lǎo què

林中尚余残垣 有风在呜咽
Lín zhōng shàng yú cán yuán yǒu fēng zài wūyè

当年知遇 还记 曾摧弓引弦
Dāngnián zhīyù hái jì céng cuī gōng yǐn xián

为一人 入红尘 拨弦声去远
Wéi yīrén rù hóngchén bō xián shēng qù yuǎn

且笑他 轻狂客 同生死也敢言
Qiě xiào tā qīngkuáng kè tóng shēngsǐ yě gǎn yán

笛声落 正按弦 举世情不歇
Dí shēng luò zhèng àn xián jǔshì qíng bù xiē

此生不忘 羡云天
Cǐshēng bù wàng xiàn yúntiān

若独行 红尘中 皆匆匆一面
Ruò dúxíng hóngchén zhōng jiē cōngcōng yīmiàn

江湖路 纵难行 有人同途比肩
Jiānghú lù zòng nán xíng yǒurén tóng tú bǐjiān

虽会见 雨倾天 有日终月圆
Suī huìjiàn yǔ qīng tiān yǒu rì zhōng yuè yuán

Cǐshēng bù wǎng céng shàonián

若独行 红尘中 皆匆匆一面
Ruò dúxíng hóngchén zhōng jiē cōngcōng yīmiàn

江湖路 纵难行 有人同途比肩
Jiānghú lù zòng nán xíng yǒurén tóng tú bǐjiān

虽会见 雨倾天 有日终月圆
Suī huìjiàn yǔ qīng tiān yǒu rì zhōng yuè yuán

Cǐshēng bù wǎng céng shàonián


A sudden fall of rain on the lake shatters the moon in the pier
Like morning dew, like pale smoke—partings and reunions
Whose last thoughts did her eyes become?
The blood-stained hairpin dropped in front of Suihua

Waking from wine, sleeping in winds, the poems hides a saber
Who washes their inkwell with sacrificial blood and live up to the promise of purity?
Once, we vowed to cleanse the jianghu, to be tied forever by loyalty and friendship
Death and life merely pass before a cup of wine

A few good friends, walking shoulder to shoulder on their youthful path
Shooting down monsters and evil— I nock my remaining years on the bowstring like an arrow
For a single person, entering this mortal realm—the sound of plucked strings travel far
Laughing at his frivolousness, even having courage speaking of living and dying together
The sound of the flute settles, though these feelings do not rest—waterfall washes my sword
In this life, unforgetting the days of Xian in the Cloud Recesses

Our sincerity and courage, the shine of a sword's point—like stars and frost reflect the moon
Travelling alone once more through a thousand miles of snow, fulfilling the promises of past
Fireside nights—the quiet stain of blood snuffs out stars and lamps
The abandoned city became a story—its people aged

In the woods, the ruins of walls still remain—a wind sobs there
Grateful for your trust and favor—once, a bow was destroyed, a bowstring drawn
For a single person, entering this mortal realm—the sound of plucked strings travel far
Laughing at his frivolousness, even having courage speaking of living and dying together
The sound of the flute settles, though these feelings do not rest—waterfall washes my sword
In this life, unforgetting the days of Xian in the Cloud Recesses

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